5 Phases Questionnaire: Download Here

More Background Reading About My Investigation of Ancient Models of Coaching

The Inner Smile Script

1.  This Chi Kung exercise is usually done sitting on a chair.  Sit on the edge of the chair with your feet flat on the floor.  Your back needs to be straight but relaxed; an effect which you’ll get by imagining that your head is suspended by a cord from the crown up to the ceiling.  Close your eyes and gently press your tongue against the top of your mouth.  Clasp your hands together gently.

2.  Remember a time that you can feel comfortable recalling, when you felt caring or loving.  Perhaps a time when you were caring for a plant, or an animal, or for a child.  Imagine that you can see this time, and the gentle smile of caring it brings, as a picture about three feet in front of your eyes.  Allow your forehead to relax, and draw the energy of caring into the place between your eyes.  Experience it as a limitless source of caring energy flowing to this place, and from there flooding through your body as a smile.

3.  Allow the smiling energy to flow across your face, relaxing it.  Smile into the neck and throat, through the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which control your metabolic rate and keep your bone tissue balanced.  Smile down to the thymus gland in the upper central chest area; the gland which co-ordinates your immune system.  From there spread the smile back to the heart, allowing it to relax and blossom in a shining red light, transforming hastiness and irritation to joy and love.  Flow the smile out on each side to the lungs, filling them with white light, transforming sadness and grief into the ability to discriminate what’s right for you, and enhancing their ability to take in energy from the air. On the right, flow the smile down through the liver, filling it with leaf green light, enhancing its hundreds of cleaning and organising functions, and transforming resentment and anger into an assertive kindness to yourself and others.  On the left flow the smile through the pancreas, which assists in digestion and regulation of blood sugar.  The far left is the position of the spleen which forms and stores blood cells, and here rigidity and stuck thinking are transformed to openness. Fill the pancreas and spleen with yellow light. Breathe out the gurgling sound which cleanses the spleen and pancreas. On each side the smile now flows to the back at waist level, flooding through the kidneys which filter the blood, and the adrenal glands atop them which give your body the energy burst of adrenalin.  As these glands relax, fill the kidneys with dark blue light, and feel fear transformed into a gentleness. Finally, flow the smiling energy down through the urinary bladder, and through the sexual organs, including the glands (ovaries or testes) which balance the cycles of your life.  Conclude by flowing the smile to a place just below the navel and a couple of centimetres in from the front.  Feel the energy spiral into this centre, called Dan Tien in China, as a storage for the day. As you flow this smile, check for the “feeling” that each organ is smiling back.  Take the time it needs to allow this to happen.

4.  Draw the smile again into the place between your eyes.  This second time, flow the smile down your nose and mouth into the digestive tract; swallowing as you do, and imagining that the saliva you swallow is also full of smiling energy.  Smile through the stomach, just below the ribs, and through the intestines.  Breathe the “Heeee” sound which cleanses the pelvic, abdominal and chest cavities. Having flowed the smile down through the whole digestive system, draw the energy back to the Dan Tien centre below the navel.

5.  The third time, draw the smile into the centre between your eyes (actually called “upper Dan Tien”) and circle your eyes nine times clockwise (as if watching a speeded up clock face right in front of your eyes) and nine times counter-clockwise.  Draw the smile back through the brain itself, smiling deep into the brain tissue, where the glands which co-ordinate your entire hormonal system reside. Flow the smile down the spinal column, and through the neurons (nerve cells) out to every part of the body. As you continue to draw the smile into your body from an infinite source of love and healing, imagine the smile flowing out from your body into the air around you, and across the entire room. The smile, remaining infinite, flows out beyond the room across the whole area, across the whole country, into the oceans and across the continents, until the entire planet is filled with the smile. As the smile continues to expand, just check back in your body in the room. Check if there is anywhere in your body where there was an excess of energy (perhaps an area where there was some tension -just an indication of energy not flowing on easily yet) and draw the energy back to lower Dan Tien, feeling it spiral in there as a store for the day.