The Rapport Based Organization / For A Cooperative World
Dr Richard Bolstad

Prerequisite: Open entry. This course will be held in Nederlands, 20-21 October, 2023.
What is the one skill that today’s managers and business executives want coaching help with more than any other? The Stanford Business Centre for Leadership Development and Research revealed the answer in their 2013 Executive Coaching Survey: “When asked which is the biggest area for their own personal development, nearly 43% of CEOs rated “conflict management skills” the highest.” They explain, “When you are in the CEO role, most things that come to your desk only get there because there is a difficult decision to be made – which often has some level of conflict associated with it.” ( Richard Bolstad’s four day conflict resolution course “Transforming Communication” gives both coaches and managers this number one skill. Is there any sure way to know which so-called communication skills work? Dramatic answers come from Dr John Gottman’s twenty year research followup of couples in close relationships. He has shown that he can accurately predict, from observing merely 5 minutes of interaction, whether the couple will still be together decades later. He has 96% accuracy. He can predict with 80% accuracy exactly which year they will split up! We are no longer guessing what works. In this weekend we take a speed tour through this training which Richard delivers to top managers in New Zealand and around the world.
You will learn how to:
- Avoid the 12 most common communication pitfalls.
- Select which style of communication works best in which situation.
- Empower others solve to their own problems successfully.
- Tactfully ensure others respect your needs more fully.
- Solve conflicts in ways that really work for both you and for the others involved.
- Get more co-operation from the people you work and live with.
- Influence others to behave more effectively in their own lives.
How does it work in the practical day to day business situation? John Hine, department head in Statistics and Computer Science, at Victoria University, New Zealand, gives an example: “I had a meeting 830am the day after Richard’s training, to put together a project. There were three of us. The others immediately started to discuss different ways of implementing the project and I then remembered the advice from Thursday. I got us all to identify what we agreed on. Most importantly this was the objectives of the project. With those agreed and on the whiteboard the rest of the discussion was putting up alternatives, asking if we could achieve the objectives and eliminating options that didn’t. An anticipated 90 minute meeting was over in 45 with a complete outline of the project. Thank you Richard.” Saving hundreds of dollars in the first day after the training means you will pay yourself back many times your investment! More details about this training are given in the books Transforming Communication (English and Polish), and in German “Für eine kooperative Welt”.
Richard Bolstad is an NLP Trainer and the author of numerous books on coaching, NLP, and creating a more cooperative world. He teaches in New Zealand, Asia, Europe and the Americas. For free samples of his trainings and books, check out