Transforming Communication For NLP Consultants
Richard Bolstad: Friday 24 January to Sunday 26 January 2025, for NLP Practitioners. Available as a separate course for $600. Free as part of NLP Master Practitioner Training.

For NLP Practitioners who are not doing the Master Practitioner course, this 3 days completes the requirements to do the NLP/TC Instructor Training later. It focuses the Transforming Communication skills on the specific issues that confront NLP consultants and coaches, such as dealing with challenging clients, working out whether you are psychologically ‘hired’ to get your client to change or not, assisting clients to resolve couples conflicts, and working with colleagues in cooperative ventures. This course is the course that I am most often running in a business context. Transforming Communication instructors, trained in New Zealand, Japan, Poland, Finland and the United States, are able to take this franchised course out and run it in businesses, community organisations, schools etc. On this training you will learn the latest research backing up this approach to cooperative relationships.
“The Transforming Communication book and course fits well in the degree program I teach in. Trainees find it enhances their professional skills but also enriches their personal life.” -Mavis Jean Beynon, Lecturer, Christchurch, New Zealand
“These skills are just too valuable to put a price on.” -Anthony Wightman, Medical Sales Representative, Wellington, New Zealand
“The material is structured and presented so that it allows participants to learn new skills at a deep level in a way that’s relevant and respectful.” -Patricia Russell, Staff Development officer, Napier, New Zealand
Transforming Communication is a series of seminars designed to deliver powerful skills from Neuro Linguistic Programming and related fields to teams and individuals. The 26 hour seminar enables participants to build co-operative team and client relationships, transforming participants’ fundamental approach so they:
- build rapport with others quickly to gain their co-operation and trust.
- increase others’ ability to resolve their own difficulties and meet their own outcomes.
- get others to respect your needs and co-operate with you.
- resolve discipline and conflict problems in organisations or with clients, without resorting to threats or punishments.
- create and action solutions that truly meet your own outcomes as well as others’.
- influence others successfully while keeping rapport.