The RESOLVE Training gives you core coaching and NLP skills to begin your career   

Coaching is a crucial skill for motivating individuals and employees to deliver better results even in economically challenging times. It enables you to help people quickly recover from their frustration and anxiety about the social challenges, and connect with the inner strength and spiritual balance they need to succeed. This is an introductory coaching skills training based on Dr Richard Bolstad’s book “RESOLVE”, on his co-authored book “The Structure of Personality” and on his latest work on “The Wheel of Change”. This training will be suitable for people new to coaching, as well as experienced coaches and those trained in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming). Contact us for upcoming dates around the world.

  • Step into a fast growing international coaching career with core coaching skills.
  • Enjoy both the process of generating clients and the process of helping them change.
  • Create a powerful sense of rapport quickly with any business client or colleague, and in your personal relationships.
  • help clients specify goals the way that the most successful people in the world do, so the goals will motivate their brain to actually act.
  • Know when coaching or training is going to be useful and when it is not.
  • Help people solve their own problems more effectively so you don’t have to keep doing that for them.
  • Use coaching with playfulness and a sense of enjoyment.
  • Integrate coaching and training together seamlessly
  • Become an inspiring teacher and change agent
  • Work from a state of confidence and a sense of personal strength.
  • Set tasks for your clients in such a way that as they do the tasks they change.
  • Coach in ways that are respectful of both your own and your clients’ values and faith.
  • Help coaching clients with many different personality styles.
  • Understand and work with people who respond to change in very different ways to your own way, and get them to cooperate.
  • Coach clients to respond resiliently to crisis and to challenging situations.
  • Use your language precisely to influence others in positive ways.