ICI Coaching Certification

With international ICI coaching training you…
1) Step into one of the fastest growing careers in mainstream business today.
2) Develop work with clients who are already highly motivated and want to improve their results.
3) Gain the recognition you need to get hired and to coach in businesses and privately around the world.
4) Integrate the skills you learned in your NLP training and present NLP in a framework that makes sense to those outside the NLP world.
Transformations is a recognised training institute with the International Association of Coaching Institutes. The ICI is affiliated with the European Coaching Association. Coaching training is a full career training requiring successful completion of:
- Transformations NLP Practitioner Training or a similar NLP Practitioner Training
- Transformations NLP Master Practitioner Training
- The Coaching Training Completion package described on this page.
This full career training will take you 12-18 months and require supervised client work. Transformations training and mentoring will guide you through the entire process to final ICI recognition.
Coaching Training Completion Package
In this final coach training package, costing NZ$800 you will:
- Experience at least 3 coaching sessions as a client, with the sessions provided by NLP Trainer and Master Coach Julia Kurusheva. In the first of these sessions you will clarify what coaching is and set coaching outcomes for yourself.
- Deliver at least 3 coaching sessions for a client who is from a field in which you have practical experience (not a colleague or fellow student).
- Write a report on these experiences and your learnings as a coach and discuss this with Julia, as you review your progress in the final session of your 3 sessions.
Already a Master Practitioner trained by Transformations? Contact us on learn@transformations.org.nz
From Another NLP Master Practitioner Training?
Since 2009 we have extended and restructured our NLP Master Practitioner trainings to ensure that our graduates meet all the other requirements of the International Association of Coaching Institutes. Generally, other NLP Master Practitioner courses do not include adequate coaching training to meet these criteria. It is common for NLP Master Practitioners to be unclear what the difference between coaching and NLP based therapy is, and to have no training in reflective listening, the core coaching skill. You cannot enter this ICI coaching training from other NLP Master Practitioner courses, unless you first complete our Master Practitioner course (available at half price for those who have completed another Master Practitioner course of comparable length). Our Master Practitioner course includes working in depth with fellow coaching trainees as both coach and client, in a closely supervised environment. The extensive blend of NLP and consulting/coaching skills in this training provides you with the tools to be an extraordinary life coach. Talk to us at the training about these additional supervised sessions and coaching with Julia Kurusheva, which add an internationally recognised coaching qualification to your NLP training portfolio.
What is Coaching?
Dialogue “Coaching is a conversation, a dialogue, whereby a coach and coachee interact in a dynamic exchange to achieve goals, enhance performance and move the coachee forward to greater success.” – The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work by Perry Zeus and Suzanne Skiffington
Unlocking Potential “Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” – Coaching for Performance by John Whitmore
Relationship, Goal and Facilitation “The key features in any good coaching are that it is:
- Relationship based: Personal Coaching involves a relationship between you and the coach that is tailored to your needs and aims.
- Goal-focused: You determine the goals of the coaching. The role of the coach is to help you formulate goals in such a way that they have every chance of being achieved and to help you stay focused in working towards those goals.
- Facilitative: The coach’s role is a supportive one, helping you in processes involved in working towards your goals.” – The NLP Coach by Ian McDernott and Wendy Jago.
Fields That Overlap But Are Not The Same As Coaching
Therapy tends to be past-oriented, problem-focused and progress measured while coaching is future-oriented, solution-focused and performance measured.
Training tends to be based on a learning agenda set by the trainer and aimed at transferring skills and understandings from trainer to trainee, while coaching is based on the coachee’s agenda and utilises their skills and understandings.
Consulting tends to be based on skills and expertise delivered by the consultant to a business organisation, while coaching is based on developing the skills and expertise of an individual coachee.
Mentoring tends to be a relationship where someone with experience in the mentoree’s field shares that experience and advises about career decisions towards a future similar to the path taken by the mentor, while coaching is a relationship where a coach helps the coachee utilise their own experience to set their own goals and work towards those.
Payment: While our payments system is being updated, please contact us at learn@transformations.org.nz or pay a set amount using the secure Paypal system here.
You can pay securely by Paypal here, in New Zealand dollars, for this training. Select an option from the dropdown menu or enter the payment amount below. Type your email and name. Then click the PayPal “Pay Now” button.