Card sets on Deckible

Several years ago we created some decks of cards for learning and playing with the skills we teach. Publishing these cards has become increasingly expensive. However, since using the cards involves shuffling them, we can’t publish most of the card sets on Kindle as indexed books. So the solution is Deckible. Deckible is the card set version of Audible or Kindle. You download the free app onto your phone, from the App store (iPhone) or Google Play store (Android) and then you purchase each card set in-app. Deckible has almost 1000 card sets to choose from, each generally about US$15-20. Once you have purchased our card sets you will own them like Kindle books. You can read the enclosed Guidebooks (a set of pages of card images) and then you can shuffle the cards to make a “spread”
Our card sets will include the Japanese Language Tarot, the NLP Language Pattern card set, and a Shamanic Spirit Animal Medicine set …. all on the same free phone app.
The NLP Tarot
The Tarot is an ancient system of self-development which can be easily mapped across to the RESOLVE model for NLP Coaching. This set of cards can be used like traditional Tarot cards, or used as the basis for a coaching session. “I have used the NLP Tarot cards a lot with clients online. Brilliant tool for coaching.” Pauline Young, NLP Trainer