How Do You Know Your NLP Training Will Really Be Useful?

Take the guesswork out of choosing an NLP training. Transformations trainings are recognised by several International NLP organisations including the IANLP, and the New Zealand Association of NLP. Financing is available and you have a moneyback guarantee right up until certification! Your trainers are training on 4 continents each year and have authored numerous books in twelve languages. You can trust that your trainers actually know how to do what they teach and will demonstrate every process before you practice it.”NLP Totally turned my thinking around 100 degrees, so that Coast to Coast race day was just a joy.” Steve Gurney, New Zealand triathlete and NLP Master Practitioner
Can I afford NLP Training now?
Many people begin NLP training because they are at a crossroads in their life, and they are wanting to change their career path. Talk to us about your plans, and we’ll help you work out how much training it will take for you to be earning money in this new career as a coach or trainer. And yes, we not only accept payments by credit card; we also have our own time payment system where you can arrange weekly or monthly automatic payments over the next year. To make sure you are financially safe, we will ask your permission to do a credit check before starting, and there is a small administration charge for arranging this (approximately 5% of the course fee).
The Learning
Training in NLP is an experience like no other training you’ve ever done. That’s what our graduates tell us each time.
Our comprehensive manuals minimise your notetaking and provide an invaluable lasting reference. We ensure you get individualised tution by having limited course numbers, skilled assistants, and trainers certified at the highest level recognised by the International Association of NLP.
Our NLP courses generally run from 10am to 6pm plus up to one evening a week. Lunchtime is 1.30-2.30pm and you may want to bring your own or choose from the many choices near our venues.
For every topic you will get to observe live demonstrations, practise the technique with others, and discuss what you find. It’s a supportive and fun learning environment where accelerated learning processes ensure easy recall, and staff assist you to bring everything together as part of your newly evolving self.
After the course, your learning continues, with ongoing training groups, and advanced trainings. You can attend any training again as a full participant at a special reviewers rate of half the full fee. It’s an excellent way to deepen your learning and change. If you trained with someone else, you can now add many new aspects with the unique style, content and values of the Transformations trainers.
You can also apply to assist at the Practitioner training if you have already attended the full training. Being an assistant gives you the chance to review the course content free of charge, and extend the personal changes. We deeply appreciate the contribution of our assistants, and the high quality of learning support they provide. There is usually no fee for assisting.
The Atmosphere
As NLP Trainers, learning NLP is our passion, and one that we love sharing with you. Course participants consistently say that this attitude of fun, and the atmosphere of caring for the people in the group makes the training one of the defining experiences of their life. Here is a glimpse into the actual training. Listen for yourself as participants explain their experience
“Lovingly, skilfully, masterfully done.” – Dr James Shanks, GP, Christchurch
“A place to make real and safe changes and learnings -but be prepared to have some fun.” – Gary Clifford, Management consultant, Auckland
“A truly transforming experience. Learning is effortless. All aspects of the course thoroughly planned and delivered with exellence and flair.” – Trish Murfitt, Secondary school teacher, Auckland
“An empowering exhilerating experience. A must for those interested in either helping others or personal growth… Humility and spirituality shone through.” – Christine Shackelford, Hypnotherapist, Auckland
Payment for our courses can be made by Visa, Mastercard, or by a cheque in New Zealand Dollars.
Choosing Your Training
Many people begin by checking out NLP at a weekend Keys to Success training, where you’ll learn the core tools of NLP in two extraordinary days. If you want more, then you can continue on to the Time For A Change weekend, or simply stay with the full Practitioner certification.
The Transformations Consulting & Training NLP Practitioner Certification Course is structured in 2 sections. You can select the training you need: a comprehensive 9 day training in the uses of NLP in any setting (Strategies of Success), or the full 18 day NLP Practitioner certification (Strategies of Success plus Strategies of Transformation). If you complete the 9 day Strategies of Success block, you can choose to return and complete the rest of the Practitioner course (Strategies of Transformation) at any later date it is offered.
Transformations International: Who Is Your Trainer?

Richard Bolstad
Richard is the principal trainer for Transformations. Richard is a trained nurse (RCpN), teacher (Dip Tchg), psychotherapist (NZAP), herbalist (Dip.Herb) and hypnotherapist (D. Clin.Hyp.*). He has trained more than half the NLP Practitioners in his native New Zealand, and teaches NLP each year on 4 continents. He is the co-author of the books Communicating Caring, The Structure of Personality and Pro-fusion, and the author of RESOLVE: A New Model of Therapy, Transforming Communication, The Rapport Based Family, Creating A Cooperative World and The Secrets Of NLP Training. His books are published in many languages, in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. He has also published numerous audio CDs, DVDs and many articles in the international NLP journals, including Anchor Point and NLP World. Richard’s central interest is in linking NLP to wider issues of spiritual development and conflict resolution. He is a Certified trainer for 5 international organisations teaching Hypnosis, NLP, Transforming Communication and Taoist Healing Techniques. He is the developer of the RESOLVE and Personal Strength models for NLP use.

Steve Andreas and Richard Bolstad
“Someone I’ve enjoyed learning from over a number of years is Richard Bolstad, one of the most thorough and competent therapists & trainers in NLP. He is one of the very few who is constantly developing new distinctions in understanding and practice, as well as congruently living what he teaches. His extensive background as a trained nurse, student of Asian martial arts, and his cross-cultural experience with Anglo/Maori relations in New Zealand, and Anglo/Japanese relations from his teaching in Japan, provide a rich and wise background for his work. Besides being personable, engaging, and high energy, he is very skilled, with a rare breadth and depth of knowledge that is detailed and ecological. He is very open to and welcoming of feedback, which I think is one reason why he is so capable. The book RESOLVE: A New Model of Therapy is an excellent introduction to his work.” – Steve Andreas, NLP trainer, author, and developer.

Joseph O’Connor and Richard Bolstad
“RESOLVE is a book that will leave you with a broader and deeper knowledge of NLP and therapy whether you are already familiar with the field or not. Although it is not written as an introduction to NLP, it is a good one in its own right.” From the Introduction to Richard’s book RESOLVE by NLP Trainer Joseph O’Connor

Michael Hall and Richard Bolstad
“If you ever asked “Where’s the research for NLP”, you have to read Richard Bolstad’s book RESOLVE.” – NLP Trainer Michael Hall
Read an interview with Richard about what he is doing in NLP here.
Julia Kurusheva

An NLP Trainer with Transformations, Julia also created her own independent Coaching and Training business, Integrace and works with clients from her Auckland, New Zealand office as well as seeing clients individually in Japan, Europe and via Skype from around the world. She is an ICI Master Coach and an NZANLP Approved Supervisor. With a degree in Medical Electronics (Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University) , Julia has sound scientific sense to combine with the visionary and leading edge methods she uses.
Julia developed the SPRINT model for working with clients in a Single Session, and she teaches this model in her one day training in Japan and New Zealand. In his 48 page study “Structure de Changement en PNL”, New Caledonian NLP Trainer Damien Raczy reports on his research into this model. Damien studied several NLP variables in his work as a coach and investigated the extent to which each variable was correlated with his clients’ success. Alignment with Julia Kurusheva’s SPRINT model had a 90% correlation with client success and Damien says “The usage of SPRINT is certainly the factor that that most strongly is correlated to successful performance from the standpoint of the customer and from the standpoint of the practitioner.” (Damien Raczy, Structure de Changement en PNL, 2011, p 22)
“I had two NLP sessions with Julia. She teaches a workshop “Creating Change in a Single Session”, and that is what her work is about. We had quite some fun in the sessions, and I experienced very fast and practical results. She is also an excellent NLP trainer. She delivers great results with good value and high integrity. I highly recommend working with her.” Stephane Witzmann, Director, SW Coaching, Paris, France, 2011
With Nakul Riswadkar, Julia provides the popular Better Choices for Life Podcast
*nb There have been concerns about the false claiming of Doctorate degrees by NLP trainers. Richard’s Doctoral study (D. Clin. Hyp.) was with the American Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy which delivered Doctorates recognised and approved by the State of California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. Details about the program are given here. Since claiming to be a “Doctor” can be confusing in the context of working with health issues, it’s not something we usually include in our advertising.
What is Online NLP Training with Transformations Like?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Transformations has obtained permission from the International Association of NLP Institutes (IN) and the IANLP to run our NLP Certification trainings through videoconferencing with Zoom. Amazingly, it is a lot like training in the room, and in some ways more personalised.
“I valued the ability to create a deeper connection with my NLP trainers; which this intimacy on Zoom has allowed. Instead of Richard and Julia being “out front” – they were there alongside me, in the room with me, which created a deeper experience of connection and ease. My NLP community in New Zealand has been strengthened due to this training.” – Michelle Clark
“I thoroughly enjoyed learning online. An extremely professionally run course that’s lots of fun.” – Hana Zawodny
“The on-line form allows you to create the conditions of almost individual training, a small group, practical formulas and independent work on the last day has combined many skills. … The method of transferring knowledge allows for comfortable learning and interesting stories build curiosity and depth. This is not just training.” – Marta