NLP – Free From Addiction

Prerequisite: at least 2 days of NLP Training. This course is not currently scheduled.
A two day workshop for those familiar with NLP and wanting to work successfully in the addictions field or with clients who have addiction challenges. Richard Bolstad teaches the course, and hosts a 90 minute Zoom discussion with top New Zealand NLP addiction coaches from “The Fix”. Tere Taukamo, of Ngati Porou, was the Clinical Team Leader at St Marks Therapeutic Community Addiction Treatment Program, and is an NLP Trainer. Jane Stammers is a senior counsellor working through New Zealand’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), and an NLP Trainer. Together they also run New Zealand’s premier private NLP based addiction recovery coaching program “The Fix” (a play on words in English since a “fix” means both a dose of an addictive drug, and a recovery or repair).
- More than 12 steps: An NLP view of the Motivational Interviewing stages model and the neuroscience of addiction treatment.
- How to quickly assess what type of intervention has a good chance of working with each client at this time.
- How to help ambivalent clients clarify what would really motivate them and make giving up worth the challenges.
- How to help clients create compelling futures and build positive internal experiences that access their brains’ reward systems better than their addictions did.
- How to break the neurological links that bind people to their triggers.
- How to help clients build identity and community as an alternative lifestyle to addictions, with an especial focus on minority communities where addiction levels are higher.
Richard Bolstad and Featuring top New Zealand NLP addiction coaches from “The Fix” – Tere Taukamo and Jane Stammers. “Thank you so much Tere Taukamo, Jane Stammers and Richard Bolstad for this special message so important to people and peoples all over the world. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for spreading the message of mutual respect, interconnectedness and for giving us back our freedom to choose, it will be remembered forever.” – Paulina Piotrowska