NLP Practitioner Certification
Are you wanting the highest standard NLP certification training in the world? Train with international NLP developers Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva and exceed the training requirements of most NLP training immediately. This training surpasses the standards of The International Association of NLP Institutes and The International Association of NLP. The Transformations Consulting & Training NLP Practitioner Course is structured in 2 sections. You can select the training you need: a power-packed NLP weekend (Keys to Success), a comprehensive 9 day training in the uses of NLP in any setting (Strategies of Success) or the full 18 day NLP Practitioner certification (Strategies of Success plus Strategies of Transformation). If you complete the 9 day Strategies of Success section, you can choose to return and complete the rest of the Practitioner course (Strategies of Transformation) at any later date it is offered.
“From the perspective of someone who is a teacher of neuroscience the contents of Richard’s trainings fitted very well. This course alone is worth more than a million yen!” – Nishi Takeyuki (西 剛志) Medical Science Teacher and Molecular Biologist, Tokyo, Japan.
The Practitioner Certification course incorporates Strategies Of Success and Strategies of Transformation. By enroling in it you’re choosing to integrate into your life not only the fundamental NLP techniques, but also their powerful applications for accelerating personal change.
You’ll learn NLP and Ericksonian hypnotherapy processes to achieve the changes you’re seeking. While you increase your success helping clients make changes, you can’t choose this course without positively transforming your own life too. You’ll receive a 400 page manual. Your NLP Practitioner certificate will carry the seal of the International Association of NLP, confirming that your training is of the highest international standard. You’ll be certified as a Practitioner of Dr Tad James Time Line Therapy (TM) and get the Fundamentals of Coaching certification with ICI (International Coaching Institutes, Berlin). If you have done a genuine NLP Practitioner Certification Training previously, we will reduce your fee for this training by 50%.
In 2025 our full 18 day training will be available face to face online, AND four days will be available in the room (at Albany Executive Motor Inn, North Shore, Auckland) for those able to be there.

What will I learn?
Strategies of Success (Week 1): Core NLP models & techniques for any context:
- Use both body language and choice of words to create the feeling of rapport easily and quickly, creating more cooperation at home and work. Set, and help others to set, more effective, measurable and achievable goals.
- Identify and predict the decisionmaking and thinking processes that others use, by observing precise body language changes. Make the perfect next move to support each person.
- Use your own body language and words to communicate exactly what you intend, being powerfully persuasive, convincing and inspiring others on both a conscious and unconscious level.
- Use others objections and disagreement as useful information with which to develop solutions that work for both you and them. Work with another person’s way of thinking and understanding the world to help them clarify what they actually want, and reach their own goals successfully.
- Use and teach others to use perfect visual memory (a technique which research at Monkton university shows can increase your memory by 61% in one session).
- Be able to enter a state of high motivation and confidence, or a state of deep relaxation, at will in any situation.
- Learn to use these skills in ways that fit with your own and your clients’ or friends’ values.

Strategies of Transformation (Week 2): Advanced techniques for personal change and coaching:
- Easily eliminate stressed feelings, guilt, fears or phobias, procrastination and depression, as well as self limiting beliefs or compulsive behaviours, using researched techniques often taking less than 30 minutes.
- Develop the ability to enjoy choosing the way you think and feel about life, and be in charge of the direction your life takes.
- Enter or guide others into a deeply relaxed (trance) state where healing and learning happen 2-3 times as fast.
- Discover the deep unconscious filters which determine yours and others responses.
- Use effective, permanent personal change processes.
- Be certified as an Ericksonian Hypnotherapist, IANLP Practitioner, Coach Trainee and Time Line Therapy (TM) Practitioner

2025: Enrolment info
Keys To Success Dates
Online in New Zealand time, 15-16 November, 2025, 10.00am-6.00pm
New Zealand Investment $NZ600, reduced to $500 if paid 3 weeks before. Deposit of $60 refundable till the early payment date.
Strategies of Success Dates
Online in New Zealand time, 15-23 November, 2025, 10.00am-6.00pm
New Zealand Investment $NZ2200, reduced to $1900 if paid 3 weeks before starting. Deposit of $220 fully refundable until the early payment date.
Time for a Change Dates
Albany Executive Motor Inn (Hybrid course: In the room and also available online), 29-30 November, 2025, 10.00am-6.00pm
New Zealand Investment $NZ600, reduced to $500 if paid 5 weeks before starting. Deposit of $60 fully refundable until the early payment date.
NLP Practitioner Dates
Online in New Zealand time, 15-23 November plus in the room at Albany Executive Motor Inn OR Online (hybrid 4 day course adapted for those unable to attend in the room) 29 November – 2 December, plus Online 3-7 December, 2025, 10.00am-6.00pm
New Zealand Investment $NZ4000, reduced to $3600 if paid 3 weeks before starting. Deposit of $400 fully refundable until the early payment date.
To Restate Practitioner Dates:
Zoom Dates: Sat 15th to Sun 23rd November, and Sat 29th November to Sun 7th December 2025
Recommended In Room Dates: Sat 29th November to Tue 2nd December 2025.
Meeting IANLP and IN Requirements
To meet IANLP requirements you must have 130 hours of in class training. This includes 7 hours of trainer directed teaching and practice each day for 18 days plus twelve 20 minute revision sessions available at the end of each lunch hour during those 18 days. There are three written tests and a case study based on practical work, also required as a test of your integration of the skills. Altogether the case study and focused study for the written tests will require ten hours of self-directed learning outside of class hours. Meeting these requirements also meets the requirements of the IN. The full IANLP requirements are listed here. The full IN requirements are listed here.
Payment: Use Our secure Payment System For Your Chosen Course Sections Here