Notes on Emergency Earthquake Response in Japan – English and Japanese 地震時の行動(基礎知識)

These instructions are in English further down this page. Thank you to:
- Dr John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Steve Andreas and NLP trainers across the world who created the core method.
- The New Zealand Trauma Recovery Team who taught the method in Samoa
- Richard Bolstad, Lynn Timpany, Barbara Belger and other NLP Practitioners in New Zealand who developed the methodology in the Christchurch Earthquake
- Yuile, Yoko-san; Sakai, Toshihiro-san; Ito, Mayumi-san; and Yanai, Reiko-san who translated these notes to Japanese
- All the NLP Practitioners in Japan, whose courageous spirit will put this into practice.
The pdf Bilingual Japanese Government Earthquake Manual is downloadable from here. 地震時の行動(基礎知識)
問題に直面している、または問題に備えようという人たちの多くは、自分自身に対して「もし~したらどうなるのだろうか?」という助けにならない質問をします。(「もし家が倒壊して私が下敷きになったらどうしようか?」 etc.)そうした人にはより役立つ「どのように」や「何」の質問をするよう促してあげましょう。(「今、安全を確保するために最もよい対応は何だろう?」)
■ 「圧倒される(打ちのめされる)」ことに対する戦略(ストラテジー)
例えば、余震のようなトリガーについては、-「今、安全でいるために、私はどのような最善の対応ができるだろうか?」- 最初の小さいステップを想像して、大丈夫だと感じるかをチェックしましょう。- そして、実行! これにより「今、最も重要なことの最初の一歩はなんだろう?」とチェックしているのです。
相手は、あなたに快適なことか、ニュートラルなことについて話せるぐらい冷静さを保つことができますか? そうではない(キャリブレーションにより相手がストレス下にあることが分かるか、もしくは相手がストレスを感じていると訴える)場合、今、リラックスの仕方を知りたいかどうか、本人に確認してください。そうすることで、プロセス経験がやりやすくなるからです。中には、NLPセッションが通常のカウンセリングと一緒でつらい体験を話さなければならないと誤解していることもあるので、この点をクリアしたほうが取り組みやすくなります。また違いを伝えるチャンスにもなります。リラックスする方法を教えた後でも、まだ困難であるなら、後日セッションのアレンジをする必要があるかもしれません。また、不安感により急性の身体的反応を生じることもあるかもしれませんので、それを心しておいてください。たとえば、嘔吐、過換気、気絶、叫ぶといったものです。それにそなえて、バケツ、ティッシュ、横になるためのクッションか毛布などの「救急キット」を用意しておくといいかもしれません。
その方はどんなトラウマ症状を経験しているのでしょうか? 簡潔に話してくださいとお願いし、反映的に耳を傾け、相手の言うことを言いなおしてください。そして、これは変えられますと安心させてあげましょう。その方の説明からリストにあるような多くの症状がチェックできるかもしれません。PTSD(DSM-IV 309.81)には、以下のような症状が含まれます。
生じていた問題が解決されたら、その人はどのようにふるまい、考え、そして感じているでしょうか? この人の問題が解決した場合、他に何が変わるでしょうか? 本人にとって変わることは大丈夫ですか? 大丈夫でないのなら、大丈夫にするために、何が必要かを聞いてください。ここで、本人のエコロジーの問題を確認しています。たとえば、パニック症状がないと、自分自身/他者の安全を維持できなくなるのではと不安に思っているなど。
5. トラウマ/恐怖症の治療
1. リソースに満ちた状態に入り、ラポールを築き、リソースアンカーを作る
2. リソースアンカーをテストする
3. 事前のテスト
4. 映画館と、「事前」「事後」の写真を作る
5. 「分離体験」として映画をまわす
よろしいですか? では、あなたがフィルムをまわしている間、あなたは劇場に座っているあの人を見るのですよ。その人は映画に対して何か反応するかもしれませんが、あなたは映写室にいるのですから、フィルムをまわして、その人が映画を見るのをながめるだけです。はい、ではやりましょう。そして終わったら教えてください。」
6. 「実体験」で、映画を高速巻き戻しする
「はい、では次に、映写室から浮かび上がり、客席で映画を見ていたあなたと合体して、安全な最後の映像で止まっている映画の中にすべりこんでもらいます。目を閉じた方が想像しやすいかもしれませんね。映画の中のあの時のあなたの身体に入りこんだら、映画をカラーに変えてください。それから映画を巻き戻しで映します。安全な最後のシーンから安全な最初のシーンまでね。これを早回しでやります。ちょうどビデオをプレイのまま巻き戻ししたときのように。見たことがあるでしょう。でもここでは、ものすごく早くまわしますから、全部が1秒半で終わってしまいます。こんなふうに・・・しゅうううっ! わかりますか? はい、では、映画の中の最後のシーンにすべりこんで。カラーにして。はい、しゅうううっ! それをやったら、映画を白黒に戻して、元の自分に戻ります、映写室にいた自分に……はい、お帰りなさい。」
7. 変化が起こるまでくり返す
「はい、では、映写室にいるままで、また客席のあの人が映画を、安全な始まりから安全な終わりまでを見るのを眺めます。いいですか? はい、それからまた、最後のシーンにすべりこむところを想像して、カラーにし、巻き戻します。しゅうううっ! 終わったら映写室に戻ります…」
8. 変化を確認する(事後のテスト)
「では、今からしていただきたいことは、あの時のことを思い出し、その時にあなたが抱いた感情を取り戻そうとして見てください。」(笑顔)「今はどうですか? 変わったでしょう!」
9. エコロジーのチェックと未来ペース
「たまにあることですが、人によっては不安感があった時にすることが何かあったのです。ですから、代わりにどんなことができるのかを決めることは大切です。未来において、以前ならあの古い反応をしてしまったかもしれない時のことを考えて見てください。そしてそうではない代わりにあなたがどう反応しているか、そしてどんな気持ちでいるか感じてください。どうですか? では過去において、問題があった別のときについて考えてください。どのように今変化していますか?…あなたの全人格にとってそれはよいことですか?」
English Version
1. Purpose Of This Information. Getting Practical Help First
2. Helping People in the First Weeks
3. Preparing For the Trauma Process
4. Factors That make The Process Work
5. A Sample Script For The Trauma Cure Process
1. Purpose Of This Information. Getting Practical Help First
This is information for people with expertise in NLP and is not intended for public use. These notes are designed to support certified NLP Practitioners to help people after an earthquake.
An excellent Japanese/English manual on preparing for and handling earthquakes is put out in downloadable form at this address
In an event such as an earthquake, the first priority is to save lives and very basic NLP pacing and reframing is useful in the moments of disaster events happening. At this time, what is useful to say includes encouraging people by telling them that they are doing well, that now that the event has happened the worst is over and they can continue to work out what to do. However, physical actions to provide safety, water, food, community support and eventually electricity and sewage become priorities rather than NLP sessions in the immediate aftermath of disaster. In an earthquake, aftershocks continue to happen for some weeks and alertness about danger is a realistic response.
Once people feel safer physically, most people will be remarkably resilient and even helpful to others around them, and their unique way of being resilient (which may seem obsessional, selfish, overly rescuing of others etc) does not need to be “fixed” wih NLP. After some months, 5-10% of people, depending on the cultural situation, will continue to be sleepless, panicking etc and will benefit from the NLP trauma process described in detail below. Some people who have traumatic responses to older events will have them re-stimulated by the current crisis and may benefit from this process earlier, mostly in relation to the earlier events.
2. Helping People in the First Weeks
In the first weeks after the event, there is still real physical danger. So, in sessions it’s really important to accept that some anxiety is normal, and that people also need to be able to relax and rest.
Realistic Goals:
Set goals about responding to the current situation in a way that is satisfying.
- “Ideally, how would you like to be able to respond to this uncertainty?”
- “How would you need to respond to feel really pleased about how you had coped with this challenging situation?”
- “Whats important to you about how you deal with this?”
Collapsing Anchors:
Especially any kinaesthetic triggers for anxiety.
Useful Internal questions:
Most people having problems, and also most people getting prepared, are asking themselves unhelpful “What if…” questions (“What will happen if my house falls and crushes me?” etc). Encourage the person to ask more useful “how” or “what” questions (“How can I best respond now to be safe?”).
Peripheral vision.
Teach clients how to relax using peripheral vision, relaxing their jaw and spreading their vision out to the side, which causes relaxation. Tell them to teach everyone else they know, especially children. This is by far the easiest way to relax without having to think. It’s very fast and very effective.
Strategies for dealing with ‘overwhelm’.
Another common response is overwhelm, or generalised stress. These people need a really good strategy for prioritising and chunking down to a manageable step. The strategy will usually work much better if it also includes a great core question (eg “How can I best respond now to be safe?”).as one of the steps. (It could also include peripheral vision as one of the steps.)
For example: Trigger such as aftershock – “How can I best respond now to be safe?” – Imagine the first small step and check that it feels ok – do it! They are checking “What’s the first step of the most important thing now?”
Strategies for dealing with aftershocks.
There may be lots of people panicking with aftershocks. Having a strategy for a resourceful response helps. For example count to 3, taking breaths, if it’s still moving, go to the safest place such as under a table. Know which place to go in every room you are in. However you do it, support people to have some kind of plan about how they prefer to respond to the ongoing aftershocks and future pace it.
Practical Contacts
Get news on NHK Radio. Information on how to tune in for other languages is here
Read Twitter updates
Confirm you are safe, on line at and find missing people at
The Google earthquake information page can be useful too.
3. Preparing For The Trauma Process
1. Be in a Resourceful State Yourself, and Establish Rapport
You may be about to hear some disturbing stories that you want to stay dissociated from. You may be about to see people in profound distress. It may be useful to stack a few more resources on to your own resource anchor, and create a ‘thought’ access for it (not only pressing fingers together or similar) like a ‘word’ or a colour or phrase, so you can quickly regain resourceful state each time.
Be aware of your response to others: especially if you are working in larger centres where there will be an sense of connectedness. This could mean that emotional events (eg more bad news, somebody turning up with anger…) can shift the whole room full of people (they may have all been in rapport for a few days). Become aware of the ‘rapport leader’ and get in rapport with them,if ecological and ethical, so you can reframe carefully.
Match the person’s breathing, posture and voice, and reflective listen.
2. Check Their Resourcefulness
Is the person able to stay calm enough to talk to you about something pleasant or neutral? If not (i.e. you calibrate the person is distressed or they tell you they are distressed) check with them whether they want to learn how to relax now, so that the experience is easier (this is useful as they may have some misconceptions about an NLP session being the same as a counselling session – i.e. that you need to talk about painful experiences, this would be an opportunity to teach them it will be different to that). If, after helping/teaching them how to relax, this is still difficult you may need to arrange to conduct the session at a later time.
There may be some obvious acute physical responses to anxiety that you need to be prepared for; vomiting, hyperventilation, fainting or screaming. We would suggest you have a “first aid kit” handy for such times, which could include a discretely placed bucket, tissues, and a soft cushion / place to lie down.
3. Check What Problems The Person Has Been Experiencing
What symptoms of trauma does the person experience? Briefly ask them to tell you, and reflective listen (restate what they say). Reassure them this can change. From their description you may be able to check off many symptoms from the list on the form. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (DSM-IV 309.81) symptoms include:
- repeated, distressing memories / dreams of event
- acting or feeling as if the event were still happening
- intense distress when exposed to images or sounds resembling the event
- efforts to avoid anything that could remind the person of the event
- inability to experience a normal range of emotions and interest in life
- not planning as if life had a future
- difficulty concentrating, or relaxing, or difficulty sleeping
- sudden anger / Startle responses
- nightmares or sleep disturbances
Are there any other problems you need to know about (for example, medical problems)?
The scaling question could be asked before beginning the script. It says: “On a scale of 1 (neutral or calm) to 10 (the worst they can think of) how bad does it feel now?” You can use this same question in follow-up to check the success of the process.
4. Set The Goal
How would the person be acting, thinking and feeling if these problems were solved? If this person’s problems were solved, what else would change? Is that okay for them? If not, ask what they need to do to make it okay for them. You are checking for ecology issues eg that the person is afraid that if they don’t have their panic, they might not keep themselves/others safe.
Use reframing eg:
Client “I know that I should try and stop panicking, but I’m afraid that if I get too relaxed I won’t be able to respond fast enough if another one happens.”
Practitioner “You wonder if your anxiety is sort of protecting you by helping you stay alert so you can respond quicker.”
Client “Yeah”
Practitioner “Well I think of it as being like electricity power points in the wall. I know they’re dangerous and I need to be alert when I’m round them, but being frightened when I am trying to plug in something doesn’t make me safe; it would make me more likely to do something unhelpful. Actually it’s being able to be calmly aware that helps me to be most safe.”
Client “I can’t stop thinking that this could happen again at any time. How can I ever feel safe again?”
Practitioner “I agree with you that one of the things we learn from events like this is that the world is not always safe. But what happens out in the world is not what causes us to feel safe or feel unsafe. There are many people who are completely physically safe and have never experienced a physical injury, but who have terrible panic attacks. There are many people who live calmly even though their job, for example cleaning windows on high buildings, involves placing themselves in real physical danger. Feeling safe is something that we do inside. What happens in the world is not predictable and not always in our control. What happens inside us can be changed once we learn how to take charge of our brain. Once we do that we can change the things in the world that can be changed, live comfortably in the uncertainty about those things that we cannot predict or change, and learn to choose wisely which situations are which.”
5. Give An Overview Of The Process
Eg “This whole process usually takes less than half an hour. The aim is for you to feel relatively comfortable throughout. Most people find that their symptoms disappear immediately. Your brain learns new responses very quickly.” You may give The Person An Experience Of How The Way They Imagine Things Causes Their Body To Respond eg Have the person turn around with their arm stretched out pointing. Tell them “Just go round carefully to where your arm feels tight, and see where you’re pointing…. Now come back to the front…. Now imagine turning round again, but this time imagine that your body flows easily way round further, perhaps twenty or thirty centimetres further than before. You’d be pointing at a totally different place. What would you be saying to yourself if you went around that far?… and now turn around with that same hand and see how far you go NOW!”
6. Explain Dissociation In NLP Terms
Eg “We are going to teach your brain to react differently to the memories of the event. People can remember events in two different ways. If you think of a simple, enjoyable event you’ve experienced recently, like eating breakfast today [choose another event if breakfast reminds the person of the trauma], you can remember what you saw through your own eyes [wait for the person to remember] and enjoy all the feelings of eating that breakfast. It may even make your mouth water. That’s one way to remember it. Another way to remember it is to imagine seeing yourself sitting in the room eating. Watch yourself over there eating, as if you were watching from a distance. Even make a still picture of yourself, like a photograph, perhaps a black and white photograph. When you see that picture, it’s not so easy to get the feeling of enjoying eating breakfast. You need to step back into your body to taste it again. It’s quite okay to remember the feeling in your body eating breakfast. But there are some things it’s better to step back from, so you can see what happens, but you feel separate from it. People who are enjoying their life can choose which way to remember each thing. We are going to teach your brain to automatically remember those old unpleasant events in a way that keeps you separate from the feelings you had then. That means the other problems you’ve had will disappear, and you’ll get the enjoyment you want in life. Does that sound useful?”
4. Factors That Make The Trauma Process Work
1. Rapport
Breathe in time with the person
Sit in a similar position to them
Use similar voice tone, speed and volume
Restate their comments to confirm you’ve understood
2. Use Language That Creates Positive Internal Representations Of Success
Rather than “This may be scary”, say “I’m not saying this will be totally comfortable”. Once you’ve started, refer to “the way you used to feel when you thought of this” and “the problem you had”, placing the difficulty in the past.
3. Get A Clear Pretest And A Clear, Convincing Post-Test
Before, at step 3. of the process, ask the person to notice their anxiety just enough so you and they can confirm that it has been a problem, and they would know if it changed.
After, at step 8 of the process, ask the person to try to get back the anxiety and have them confirm that it has changed. If it hasn’t, don’t try to pretend its working. Actually re-run the process till it works and the person is convinced, or has a plan to test it as soon as possible. Many people do not fully notice the change until you point it out to them. Some people need to try three or even five times to be convinced.
4. Keep The “Roles” Or Perspectives In Each Chair Distinct
Always speak to the person as if they are actually in the theatre when they sit on the theatre seat. Always speak as if they are actually in the projection booth when they sit in the projection booth seat. If, while in the projection booth seat, the person begins to talk about what it was like inside the traumatic experience, have them stand up and move “out of the projection booth”. You want both seats safely separated from the memory.
5. Know Your Choices For Times When The Person Isn’t Dissociating
a) Have the person stand up and fire their resource anchor.
b) Walk around the room with them.
c) Have the person get out of the projection booth and imagine they are further away from the movie screen.
d) Use the Reframe below
6. Be Clear In Your Mind What A Phobia/Traumatic Response Is In NLP Terms
If it could be caused in 30 seconds it can be cured in 30 seconds. Emotionally healthy individuals recall positive experiences associated and negative experiences dissociated. A phobia or an anxiety disorder caused by trauma is just an accidental mis-storage of a memory.
7. Reframe: For When A Part Of The Person Doesn’t Want To Let The Fear Go
“Now I know that there’s a part of you that thought it was important for you to hold on to those old feelings. A part of you may have been trying to keep you safe, or to make sure that you really learned the lesson of this event. But holding on to the feeling hasn’t actually kept you safe. It has made your life more dangerous by having you live in fear. If that part of you really wants you to have learned from that event, then it will really keep you safe by letting go of the feeling now, and keeping the things you needed to learn.”
5. The NLP Trauma Process
1. Establish Rapport, Set Up Resource Anchor
“Before we start, what I’d like you to do is to remember a time when you felt in charge of what you were doing, perhaps when you were doing something you know how to do [like baking a cake, or driving a car], and get back the memory of a specific time, so you can step into your body at that time, and see what you saw, hear the sounds, and fell the feeling of being in charge. Now, as you feel that feeling, I want you to press together the thumb and little finger of your left hand and enjoy the sense of being in charge … Great; now release the fingers and come back to being in the room here, and stretch.”
Repeat for two other positive feelings instead of “being in charge” e.g. “confidence”, relaxation”, “humour”. Your being able to create that positive feeling in yourself as they think of it will also help. If they can’t think of a time when they felt positive, have them remember a time when someone they like had that feeling, and feel what that person must have felt like.
2. Test Resource Anchor“OK, now stretch and have a look out the window. Just see something you didn’t notice before … Good; now press that thumb and little finger together and feel the difference.”
Check that the anchor (thumb-finger touch) causes the person to shift their breathing/body position/facial expression back to a positive state similar to the one they used remembering the times. If not, repeat step one, emphasising their re-experiencing each positive state.
3. Pretest
“Right, now before we start, I just want to check this thing that has been a problem. I’d like you to just briefly think about the things that have been upsetting you. What does it feel like to remember that? On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is calm and neutral and 10 is the worst imaginable, how does it feel now?”
Check for a clear shift in breathing, body posture and facial expression. If you need to, to draw them back out, have them stand up and press the thumb and little finger together until they are out of the memory.
“OK. Come back to here now. You’ll know when that changes now won’t you?”
4. Set Up The Movie Theatre
“Now panic attacks [or “flashbacks/nightmares/Post Traumatic Stress/phobias like you’ve been having”] is just a result of the brain having a scary experience and storing it in a less than useful way. The brain did that the first time you had that experience, and it took it less than 30 seconds to do. So its just that easy to change once we know how the brain did that.”
“To change it, what we need to do first is set up a kind of movie theatre here. You’ve been to a movie sometime, so you know there are seats here [point to movie theatre seat] and a screen up here [point to front -ideally a blank wall]. And sitting in the movie theatre here, I want you to see a picture up on the screen, of yourself, a black and white photo. It could be of the way you look now, or of you doing something you do at home, or just a photo like a recent one you’ve seen in a photo album … Have you done that?”
“Good. Now, before you had that experience that was scary, there was a time when it hadn’t happened yet, and you were safe. Take all the time you need to remember that time, and make a picture of yourself at that safe time before the event. Put that picture of you looking safe before the event up on the screen now, and turn it to black and white too. Have you done that?”
“Great. And after that experience that was scary, there was a time when it was over, and although you still had memories of the event, you were physically safe. Take time to remember that safe time after it happened, and put a picture of yourself at that time on the screen. Have you done that too?” nb if there has not yet been a time that is physically safe, you may need to create an imaginary time in the future.
“OK. Now I’d like you to stand up out of that chair and come back here. This is a chair in the projection room from where they show the movie [seat the person now in the second chair, behind the movie theatre chair]. There’s a glass screen through which you can see the movie theatre and you can see that other you sitting in the movie theatre, watching a black and white photo on the screen. Can you see that person in the theatre seat?”
5. Run The Movie Forward “Dissociated”
“So now, as you stay in the projection room, safe behind the glass, you can run the movies, and watch as that other person in the theatre watches them. And because there are holes on the side of the glass, you can hear the movie, because we’re going to show a movie soon. And you’ll be safe and comfortable here, maybe with something nice to eat and drink while you watch the person watching the movie.”
“What I want you to do is to run a movie of yourself in that time when the unpleasant event happened. The movie will start before the event, at the time when you were safe before, and will run through the time after the event, once you were physically safe again. Like any movie, it will show the important parts of the story, form beginning to end, but this movie will be in black and white, like an old film.
OK? Now, while you run the movie, I’d like you to watch that person the movie theatre. They may have some response to the movie, but you’re in the projection room, so just run it through and watch their watching. OK, go ahead, and tell me when you’re done.”
6. Fast Rewind The Movie “Associated”
“Now, in a moment, I’m going to get you to pretend that you float out of the projection room and into the movie at that safe end scene. It may help you to close your eyes to imagine that. Once you’re in the movie, in the body of that earlier you, turn the movie to colour. Then we’re going to run the movie backwards, from the end to that safe beginning, but fast, like fast rewind on a video. You’ve seen a video rewind, but this will go so fast the whole thing will only take a second and a half, so it goes zziiiiiiipp! Got that? Okay, now; float into the movie, at the end, turn it colour and zziiiiipp! … Once you’re done, turn the movie back to black and white, and float back to where you actually are, here in the projection room … Hi.”
7. Repeat until Change Occurs
“OK. Now I want you to be here in the projection booth and watch again as that person in the movie theatre sees the movie through from safe beginning to safe end … OK? Great; and again, imagine you float into the end and turn the movie to colour, then run it backwards zziiiiipp, and come back to the projection booth once its done …”
“Great. Have a stretch … Now try and get back that picture at the start of the movie [If they can’t, go to step 8]. Now again, watch from the movie projection booth as that person watches the black and white movie, float into the safe end and run it backwards fast in colour, and come back here. Tell me when you’re done…”.
“Good. Now I want you to try to do this process, a bit faster, and do it through as many times as it takes till you can’t get back the movie, or you realise that the feeling has suddenly gone. Some people say the movie gets blank spots and fades out; some say it’s as if the tape snaps. It’s probably started already. Just go ahead and try to run the movie each way till you know you can’t. Then tell me …”.
8. Verify Change (Post-test)
“Great. ,And notice that the feeling went with the picture. Okay; now stretch and look out the window. Notice something there you haven’t seen before …”.
“Okay, now what I want you to do is have a go at remembering that time, and try and get back the feelings you used to have about it.” [Smile]. “How’s that now? Different!”
Check from the person’s body posture, breathing and facial expression that this is a different, more relaxed response than the pretest.
“Now I’m not suggesting you’ll enjoy that thing now. Just that the uncomfortable feeling is gone. There’s often a little uncertainty, as you try to go to remember, because this was a reliable response you had. You had that problem for a while, and it’s strange for it to be different, now. Pretty amazing isn’t it?” [Try again until the person realises it’s different].
9. Ecology Check and Future Pace
“Now one thing that has happened occasionally, is that when someone had an anxiety, it gave them something to do. So now it’s important to find out what you can do instead. I’d like you to think of a future time, the kind of time when, in the past, you would have responded in that old way; and notice what you’re doing instead, and how you’re feeling. How is that? …”.
“And think of another situation when, in the past, you’d have had that problem. How is it different now? … Is that okay for all of you?”
“On a scale of 1 (neutral or calm) to 10 (the worst you can think of) how does it feel now?” [Note that this scaling question is important for the research study too.]
“Excellent. Welcome to your new life. That was big change wasn’t it!”