One-on-One Success Coaching and Therapy
The Transformations team are all internationally certified NLP Master Practitioners. Because NLP enables you to use the natural language of your mind to free yourself from old habits and discover new ways of being your best, many people consult us for help with:
- relationships and parenting.
- anxiety, panic attacks and phobias.
- stress, insomnia, depression, and low self esteem.
- weight loss, eating disorders, and addictions.
- learning difficulties.
- support with mind body healing.

You can also use our success coaching services, as many top sports and business people do, to:
- enhance motivation and confidence.
- handle stress, criticism and lifestyle challenges better.
- achieve the results you want with precision and excellence.
Our fees are similar to those of other coaches and therapists, however what you get from your time may amaze and delight you. For a start, most difficulties can be resolved in 1-4 sessions. The improvements are easy, safe, long lasting and precise, and will quickly convince you of the value of NLP.
“A big thanks for the NLP work we did before the Coast to Coast race. It totally turned my thinking around 180 degrees to a resolved and determined attitude. Race day was incredibly enjoyable and was just a breeze.” – Steve Gurney, top New Zealand triathlete, Christchurch
Julia Kurusheva
In Auckland, New Zealand, or where Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva of INTEGRACE are training together, Julia is available for coaching sessions. She also works internationally via Skype. Here’s what people say about Julia’s work.
- “It is hard to put into words how much I have benefited from working with Julia except to say that three sessions with her have achieved what 12 years of antidepressants, psychologists and psychiatrists couldn’t. I am now free of medication and have never felt better. For the first time I feel excited about the future and empowered to put my mind to anything.” Brigitte Ellis, PA, Auckland
- “During my NLP training with Julia and Richard, I was having difficulty relaxing and being able to trust my mind to visualise and practise the techniques we were being taught. Julia took me aside and guided me through an amazing process that I was beginning to think was impossible for me. Afterwards I felt (and still feel) empowered.” Ros Bingham, Midwife, NZ
- “I went to see Julia to work through an intense fear of public speaking and doing presentations to groups. In just three sessions with Julia, the change was very noticeable. I felt more empowered and relaxed during my presentations at work and I have been going from strength to strength ever since. Julia put me at ease straight away and has a wonderful caring and gentle manner. My experience with Julia was extremely enriching and I would highly recommend her to anyone wanting to make positive changes in their lives through NLP.” Evelyn, Auckland
- “Before our session I didn’t have enough clarity around where I wanted to take my business and I had a few blocks that I needed to turn into stepping stones. Now I know exactly where I’m going. In the past I was concerned that if I focused only on one area, I may not attract enough business. Now that I focus on what I want and do what I love, I’ve never been busier. When I opened up my thinking so many doors also opened up to me. Many thanks Julia; you have a wonderful knack for getting to the core of things quickly and easily.” Gail Page, Business Coach, Hawkes Bay,
With Nakul Riswadkar, Julia provides the popular Better Choices for Life Podcast (the basis of their book Overcoming Anxiety From Inside Out).
Richard Bolstad
Can your NLP training business be a fun way to earn money for the lifestyle of your dreams? For some years now, I’ve been running NLP and other training in several places around the world. Now that we have completed NLP Trainer trainings on four different continents, there are hundreds of NLP trainers who have trained with us at Transformations and who are working to spread these skills throughout the world. If you are one of them, you know that just attending more trainings is not the most efficient way to build your expertise, in terms of time or money.
To be your best you need an individual Training Coach or Mentor. Unfortunately most successful trainers are too busy to provide this service, or they guard their personal training secrets too carefully. I do have training commitments on many days, AND, after a few requests, I’ve decided that making this coaching service available is a priority. Furthermore, I want to share my 40 years of training, coaching and writing experience with you and help you plan your own career. I am currently coaching trainers in Europe, Asia and the Americas.
Details: Zoom allows us to connect wherever you are across the world, and quickly link into coaching without wasting travel time. Paypal makes payment easy from the same computer or phone you use for coaching. Sessions are done in English so you may need to organise an interpreter if that is not a language you speak. Email me your outcomes or topics for our session 24 hours before to get the best out of each session. Join me for individual 30 minute sessions (NZ$120) or 60 minute sessions (NZ$240). NZ$100 is currently about 7,450 Yen, US$68, or 60 Euro. New Zealand clients who are GST registered can claim back the GST. Email me right now to arrange a time that suits us both
Email to arrange a session