Rerouting: Redirecting Your Training Career In Challenging Times

There’s a world wide crisis in training. If you’re an independent trainer you know all about it. People are still interested in your trainings but they don’t commit, or they commit and then pull out. They say they just haven’t got the money to do it right now. Or they say the time “isn’t right”. They have other commitments. You get a sense that they are generally stressed. But so are you! You know you need to do something different, but what? This day is for you! Read more about the training and the idea of rerouting here.
- Step back from firefighting and remember what makes training worthwhile. Get into a great state to think about this.
- Realistically asses the economics of your business decisions so you make choices you’re pleased with.
- Deliver trainings that work for people in the current economic situation, that meet their needs at this moment.
- Work out how to get ongoing peer support for yourself as you commit to making this work.
- Creatively utilize the very challenges that both you and your clients face, to do what you do best.
- Take an inspiring longer term view of your career and the training business.
The full early bird payment for this one day training is NZ$295, and the only reason the full price is NZ$350. Not currently scheduled.