Updating Research on NLP (Richard Gray 2022)

RTM (Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories). The RTM Protocol for PTSD has been evaluated in four randomized controlled trials (RCTs) using standard measures of symptom severity. These include the PTSD Symptom Scale-Interview version (PSS-I) and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-Military version (PCL-M). Scales were administered at intake and two-weeks post-treatment by independent evaluators, blinded to treatment condition for the three replication studies. Three of the studies investigated RTM with samples of male veterans (Gray & Bourke, 2015; Gray, Budden-Potts, & Bourke, 2017; Tylee, Gray, Glatt, & Bourke, 2017). The fourth study (Gray, Budden-Potts, D., Schwall, Bourke,2020), examined a mixed group of thirty service-related women, 21 of whom suffered from some degree of Military Sexual Trauma (MST). All studies obtained high effect sizes and significant loss of the initial diagnosis. Those who no longer met diagnostic criteria, as well as those who were merely subclinical but with significant symptom score reductions, reported a complete absence of flashbacks and nightmares after the last treatment and the effects lasted for at least the one-year follow-up.
For all three RCT investigations, 65% reported a complete loss of diagnosis by all relevant criteria. When a less conservative criterion was used, including scoring below the clinical thresholds for military PTSD (PSS-I ≤ 20, PCL-M ≤ 45), while showing no fast autonomic reactivity to relevant stimuli, and reporting a total loss of nightmares and flashbacks, loss of diagnosis was above 90% for all three studies. These results extended to one full year for the three Randomized Clinical Trials (Gray et al., 2017; Gray, Budden-Potts, Schwall, & Bourke, 2021; Tylee et al., 2017), and in informal follow-ups for several years for the initial pilot (Gray & Bourke, 2015; Richard Gray, personal communication, December 19, 2019).
The research on the RTM protocol is certainly the most significant result of NLP research at present available, but it is by no means the only result. Amongst other core NLP concepts and applications to be the subject of research are:
Rapport. NLP rapport patterns have been validated by many researchers (Asbell, 1983; Brockman, 1980; Day, 1985; Ehrmantraut, 1983; Frieden, 1981; Green, 1979; Hammer, 1980; Maurer, & Tindall, 1983; Palubeckas, 1981; Pantin, 1982; Sandhu, 1993; Schmedlen, 1981; Shobin, 1980; Thomason, 1984). Specific studies investigated the Mirroring of posture and linguistic patterns and their positive effect on rapport (Ehrmantraut, 1983; Maurer, & Tindall, 1983; Palubeckas, 1981; Sandhu, 1984; Sandhu et al. 1993). These and other researchers found specific research support for NLP and its effect on rapport as perceived warmth, empathy, and trustworthiness (Asbell, 1983; Brockman, 1980; Day, 1985; Ehrmantraut, 1983; Frieden, 1981; Green, 1979; Hammer, 1980, 1983; Palubeckas, 1981; Pantin, 1982; Sandhu, 1993; Schmedlen, 1981; Shobin, 1980; Thomason, 1984). Researchers testing the more dynamic predicate mirroring hypothesis typically showed a strong relationship between predicate matching and perceived empathy (Brockman, 1980; Day, 1985; Falzett, 1979; Frieden, 1981; Hammer, 1980, 1983; Hillin, 1982; Schmedlin, 1980; Shobin, 1980)
The Use of Meta Model Language Patterns. These are linguistic structures which delete, generalize and distort a persons experience, shaping the meanings they attribute to it. Macroy (1978) did a detailed study of 31 families, members of which were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with the family. Next, a recorded family therapy session was held for each family. The recordings were analyzed for the occurrence of 150 specific meta-model patterns. He found that dissatisfied families were more likely to use deletion patterns than satisfied families. Moines (1981) used multiple raters to examine 45-minute-long audiocassette recordings of insurance salespeople for the use of specific NLP patterns from the meta-model. They found significant differences between highly successful and average salespersons in terms of the patterns they used and the timing of those patterns.
Submodalities Their Nature, Validation, and Application. Submodality distinctions in NLP were first reported by Bandler (1985), Gordon (1978), Andreas & Andreas (1987), and Bandler & MacDonald (1987). Although these distinctions are most directly derived from the discipline of NLP (Andreas & Andreas, 1987; Bandler, 1985; Bandler & MacDonald, 1987), they have all been described as individual stimulus qualities in the peer-reviewed literature (Gray et al., 2013; NLPWIKI, 2014). Those studies have confirmed the behavioral relationship between sub-modalities – by whatever name – and emotional impact. References to their experimental evaluation are reviewed in the NLPWIKI database (2014). Recent research indicates that most of the stimulus qualities that NLP has labeled submodalities are represented, for all senses, in the superior colliculus by a series of saliency maps that code sensory information for importance. Visual saliency maps sort (minimally) for color, edge, edge overlap, brightness, and movement (Itti, Koch, & Niebur, 1998; Kalinli & Narayanan, 2007; Kaya & Elhilali, 2012; Knudsen, 2018; Perrault, Stein, & Rowland, 2011; Veale, Hafed, & Yoshida, 2017; Vetter, Smith, & Muckli, 2014; White et al., 2017). The importance of various stimuli is mediated in a bottom-up manner by external stimulus qualities (typically for new or unexpected stimuli) and in a top-down manner determined by expectations and subjective motivational states (hunger, thirst, sexual deprivation, present-time outcomes, and personal preferences; Alcaro et al., 2017; Itti et al., 1998; Mashour et al., 2020; Zhou & Desimone, 2011). Other submodality features including the position in three-dimensional space have correlated in a three-dimensional perceptual schema. These maps are thought to have evolved to enable organisms to navigate in 3-dimensional space (Derks, 2018; Edelman, 2003, 2005; Fingelkurts et al., 2010; Graziano & Kastner, 2011; Jerath et al., 2015; Mashour et al., 2020; Northoff & Huang, 2017; Park & Tallon- Baudry, 2014; Park, Miller, Nili, Ranganath, & Boorman, 2020).
Most research into the applications of submodalities has been conducted with clients experiencing phobias (Allen, 1982; Einspruch and Forman, 1988; Kammer et al., 1997; Liberman, 1984), trauma (Koziey and McLeod 1992), and anxiety (Hale, 1986; Ferguson, 1987, Field 1990).
General support for NLP treatment applications in Psychology. NLP-based treatments have received considerable support for the treatment of psychological complaints in the following areas, Anxiety and Depression (Bertoli, 2002; Daw, & Mohammad, 2013; Field, 1990; Kirenskaya, Novototsky-Vlasov, Chistyakov, Zvonikov, 2011; Bigley, Griffiths, et al., 2010; Gray, Davison & Bourke, 2021; Konefal & Duncan, 1998; Konefal, Duncan & Reese, 1992; Masters, Rawlins, Rawlins, & Weidner, 1991; Savardelavar & Kuan, 2020), Grief and Mourning (Miller, 1997),Pain reduction (Bowers (1996), Phobias (Arroll et al., 2017; Einspruch & Forman, 1988; Ferguson, 1987; Guy & Guy, 2003; Hale, 1986; Kammer, Lanver & Schwochow, 1997; Liberman, 1984), Stress reduction (Hemmati Maslakpak, Farhadi, & Fereidoni, 2016), Trauma (Adams & Allen, 2017; Guy & Guy, 2003; Muss, 1991, 2002; Utuza, Joseph & Muss, 2011), PTSD (Gray & Bourke, 2015; Tylee Gray, Glatt, & Bourke, 2017; Gray, Budden-Potts, & Bourke, 2017, Gray Budden-Potts, Schwall, & Bourke, 2020; Gray, Davison & Bourke, 2021). On a generative level, it has been used for sports coaching, enhancing spelling performance (Ampuero Lopez, 2017; Malloy, 1995; Nahari & Hind, 2016) and broad application in teaching (Churches & Allan, 2013; Churches & West-Burnham, 2009; Daw, & Mohammad, 2013).
There have been two randomized, waitlist-controlled studies of the Core Transformation pattern (Braganza & Piedmont, 2015; Braganza, Piedmont, Fox, Fialkowski, & Gray, 2019). Both studies reported significant decreases in anxiety and depression and increases in measures of a spirituality construct and positive affect.
Medical applications Bowers (1996), in a controlled study of 48 chiropractic patients with acute pain, compared NLP as an adjunctive therapy versus regular care with standard Chiropractic interventions (TAU). The study used the Visual Analogue Scale to compare pain reduction between the two groups. The author reported a 62 percent reduction in pain ratings for the NLP group over 2.1 NLP sessions compared to the non-treatment group’s reduction of 17 percent over the same period of time.
Sumin and colleagues (Sumin, Khairedinova, Sumina, Variushkina, Doronin, & Galimzianov, 2000), compared the use of NLP techniques including NLP, progressive muscular relaxation, Ericksonian hypnosis, and metaphors across five sessions to standard post-cardiac rehabilitation methods in a population 0f 103 patients. Results demonstrated decreases in heart rate, ventricular extrasystole, and stimulated tonicity of the parasympathetic nervous system. The test group had higher exercise tolerance and lower reactivity of central hemodynamics in all exercise tests.
In 2010 Bigley and colleagues used NLP to reduce levels of claustrophobia in patients needing an MRI scan. The study group consisted of 50 patients who had previously terminated their scans because of previous claustrophobic responses. Pre- and post-anxiety scores were measured using Spielberger’s State Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, 1983). A total of 38 of the original 50 study subjects (76%) were able to complete the MRI scan. There was a statistically significant reduction in the median anxiety score, and a predicted 65% cost saving if NLP were used rather than a general anesthetic to complete the scans in anxious patients.
Bokuro-Shafé, Kono and Tamaki (2011) report on the use of NLP in the holistic treatment of cancer. At the time of writing the authors have trained over 300 medical professionals across Japan in the use of anchoring, submodality mapping across, reframing and using neurological levels with patients. Kono reports that 96 per cent of patients experienced an improvement in their symptoms following NLP, with over 60 per cent experiencing significant improvement after only one or two sessions.
In a study of NLP and Medical education vs treatment as usual (TAU), in the rehabilitation of ischemic stroke patients, Peng and colleagues (Peng, Lu, Wei, Yu, Wang, Xiao, Xu, Wang, 2015) found that Patients in the NLP-group had significantly reduced depression and anxiety and increased stroke knowledge compared to controls.
Doğan, & Saritaş (2021) report an RCT (Randomised Controlled Trial) of an NLP new Behavior generator intervention compared to a 30-minute guided relaxation for the reduction of post-surgical pain. The NLP group showed significantly better pain reduction than the relaxation group.
The Lightning Process (Parker, 2012, 2013, 2020; Parker, Aston, & de Rijk, 2020) has been evaluated in multiple RCTs that reported its efficacy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME; Crawley, et al. 2013; Crawley, E. M. et al., 2018). (Crawley, Gaunt, Garfield, Hollingworth, Sterne, Beasant, Collin, Mills, & Montgomery, 2018; Crawley, Mills, Beasant, Johnson, Collin, Deans, White, & Montgomery, 2013; ME Association, 2017; Parker, 2012, 2013, 2020; Parker, Aston, & de Rijk, 2020; Parker, Aston, & Finch, 2018; Reme, Archer, & Chalder, 2012; Sandaunet, & Salamonsen, 2012). There is also support for the extension of the process to the treatment of alcoholism and addictions ( Parker, Banbury, & Chandler, 2020; Parker, Banbury, & de Rijk, 2020
Marital and Family Counseling. Davis and Davis (1983) report on their application of NLP therapy to married couples. They give an overview of the techniques used which include dissociated state rehearsal for future-oriented behaviors. Baddeley (1992) discusses the use of a combination of Ericksonian hypnosis, analytical hypnotherapy, and NLP as an intervention in marital and relationship counseling. He argues through three case reports that these processes are more potent than traditional counseling. Bertoli (2002) reports the use of NLP techniques combined with EFT for dealing with the trauma involved at the brink of divorce. Brandis (1986) reports favorably on a treatment model for reducing parental anger responses.
- Adams, S. (2017). Human Givens Rewind Treatment for PTSD and Sub-threshold Trauma.
- Adams, S., & Allan, S. (2019). The effectiveness of Human Givens Rewind treatment for trauma. Mental Health Review Journal, 24(3), 228-242. https://doi.org/10.1108/MHRJ-10-2018-0033
- Alcaro, A., Carta, S., & Panksepp, J. (2017). The affective core of the self: A neuro-archetypical perspective on the foundations of human (and animal) subjectivity. Frontiers in psychology, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01424
- Allen, K. L. (1982) An investigation of the effectiveness of neurolinguistic programming procedures in treating snake phobics. Dissertation Abstracts International 43(3), 861-B, University of Missouri at Kansas City.
- Ampuero Lopez, E. (2017). The Impact of the NLP Spelling Strategy in the Early Years of Bilingual Education La influencia de la estrategia de ortografía de la PNL en los primeros años de la enseñanza bilingüe, Educación y Futuro; 37 (2017), 93-125. ISSN: 1576-5199
- Andreas, S. and Andreas, C. (1987). Change your mind—and keep the change. Boulder, CO: Real People Press.
- Arroll, B., Henwood, S. M., Sundram, F. I., Kingsford, D. W., Mount, V., Humm, S. P., . . . Pillai, A. (2017). A brief treatment for fear of heights. Int J Psychiatry Med, 52(1), 21-33. doi:10.1177/0091217417703285
- Asbell, H. C. (1983) Effects of reflection, probe and predicate matching on perceived counselor characteristics (psychotherapy, interpersonal attraction, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). Doctoral Dissertation, University of Missouri at Kansas City, Dissertation Abstracts International, 44 (11): 3515
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- Bigley, J., Griffiths, D., Prydderch, A., Romanowski, A. J., Miles, L., Lidiard. H. and Hoggard, N. (2010) Neurolinguistic programming used to reduce the need for anaesthesia in claustrophobic patients undergoing MRI, The British Journal of Radiology, 83: 113–17.
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- Bourke, F., Gray, R., & Wake, L. (2013). Future Directions. In Lisa Wake, Richard Gray & Frank Bourke (Eds.), The Clinical Effectiveness of NLP: A critical appraisal (95-125). London, Routledge.
- Bowers, L. A. (1996) An Exploration of Holistic and non-tratraditional Healing Methods including Research in the use of Neuro-linguistic Programming in the Adjunctive Treatment of Acute Pain. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56(11): 6379
- Braganza, D.J., Piedmont, R.L., Fox, J., Fialkowski, G.M. and Gray, R.M. (2019), Examining the Clinical Efficacy of Core Transformation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Counseling & Development, 97: 293-305. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcad.12269
- Brandis A. D. (1986) A neurolinguistic treatment for reducing parental anger responses and creating more resourceful behavioral options. Dissertation Abstracts International 47(11), 4642-B California School of Professional Psychology (Order = DA8626141): 161.
- Brockman, W. P. (1980) Empathy revisited: the effects of representational system matching on certain counseling process and outcome variables. Doctoral Dissertation, College of William and Mary. Dissertation Abstracts International, 41(8): 3421. Available online: from http://www.nlp.de/cgi-bin/research/nlprdb.cgi?action =res_entries (accessed 24 November 2006).
- Churches, R. and West-Burnham, J. (2009) Leading Learning Through Relationships The Implications of Neuro-linguistic Programming for Personalisation and the Children’s Agenda in England. Current Research in NLP Volume – Proceedings of 2008 Conference, pp. 6–20.
- Churches, R., & Allan, F. (2013). Raising maths attainment through enhanced pedagogy and communication Results from a ‘teacher-level’ randomised controlled trial [An NLP related study].
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- Day, R. C. G. (1985) Students’ perceptions of Neurolinguistic Programming strategies (counseling, communication, clients, therapy), Doctoral Dissertation, Florida State University, 1985. Dissertation Abstracts International, 46(4): 1333.
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