NLP Tarot Adept Weekend
A Two Day Training by Richard Bolstad

Prerequisite: At least 2 days NLP training. This course is not currently schedules.
Would you like to get practical tools for using NLP with yourself and your family or friends in everyday situations? Have you at some time been fascinated with magic, fortune telling and secret ancient spiritual teachings, but unable to integrate them with the practical world you live in on a day-to-day basis? Did you ever fantasise what it would be like to be Gandalf or Galadriel, Harry Potter or Hermione? This might have been the path that was calling to you. Since you already utilize NLP, you will not be asked to adopt any new presuppositions or beliefs about the world, but will be shown how to use these new tools within the NLP worldview. You will not need to convert to a religion, or to believe in things that cannot be explained. And yet,
After this training you will be able to …
- Use the NLP Tarot deck for games of chance, for divination and as a guide to personal transformation.
- Experience divination as a methodology for accessing trance states and creative non-linear solutions
- Use not just the individual meanings of the Tarot cards, but the system that creates those meanings.
- Use the NLP Tarot Deck (©Transformations 2015, provided at the training) as a detailed guide for doing NLP sessions at home, with yourself and others.
- Understand the secret history of the Tarot and its correlations with the NLP RESOLVE and TOTE models.
- Access the creativity of your unconscious mind and use it to solve everyday problems.
- Model and use the laws of Theurgy (Sacred Magic), Alchemy (Transformation) and Wicca (Weaving the Worlds).
- Practice simple magical rituals (Hermetic ritual from the Middle East and Wicca ritual from North Europe) and model their application of Ericksonian ideomotor responses to create your own successful rituals.
- Utilise powers greater than your conscious mind to create real world changes.
- Experience altered states of consciousness and paranormal experiences using a modern fully researched version of Scrying (crystal ball gazing). Become a seer.
- Be initiated into these methods by a descendent of the Roma people and of the Scandinavian Wiccans (OK that probably has very little real epigenetic effect, but it’s fun to know).
- Be Certified as an Adept of the NLP Tarot, and begin walking the ancient spiritual path of the Magi (Magicians) in this modern world.
Carl Jung, the psychotherapist who first identified what we call in NLP “metaprograms” or personality traits, noticed that he and many of his patients had experiences in which “coincidences” seemed to play an unexpectedly meaningful role. For example, a patient might dream of a particular butterfly, only to encounter a real butterfly of that species during a therapy session the next day when they were describing that dream. The new sciences of relativity and quantum mechanics were just being developed, and Jung was friendly with both Albert Einstein (Relativity) and Wolfgang Pauli (Quantum mechanics). Jung recognized in the principles of quantum mechanics a possible explanation for the phenomenon he was observing, which he called “synchronicity.” He postulated that in addition to the cause-and-effect relationships with which we are familiar, there is another “connecting principle” in our lives, which is non-local in nature. He became fascinated with divination systems such as the Tarot and the I-Ching, and with their mathematical sophistication (Jung, 1972). Whether you agree with the idea of “synchronicity” or not, this gives you an opportunity to experiment with it.
Use of randomness is an important predictor of success in any field. Research on randomness/novelty by developers of artificial intelligence shows that it “should be viewed as an enabler of creative progress that must be properly managed. This suggests that creative skill lies not just in doing something novel, but also in knowing how much novelty to pursue at what time.” (Jennings, 2008). This is the principle we pursue in the NLP Tarot.
- Jennings, K. (2008) “Adjusting the Novelty Thermostat: Courting Creative Success through Judicious Randomness.” AAAI Spring Symposium: Creative Intelligent Systems 2008: 26-33
- Jung, C. (1972). “Synchronicity – An Acausal Connecting Principle.” Routledge and Kegan Paul. ISBN 0-7100-7397-6. Also included in his Collected Works volume 8.