Transcendence Video Set and Video-Zoom Package

Transcendence: Healing Our Collective Story. Coaching and counselling people to resolve individual trauma when the world is in crisis is putting the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. In this revolutionary new approach, we invite you to the collective healing of humanity, using a combination of group activities and roleplays (“sociodrama”) and inspiring NLP visualization exercises we expand our understanding of trauma and resilience in families, communities, cultures and civilizations. We experience trauma recovery models from a wide range of cultural sources and get a sense of the deep history of human trauma and resilience. We understand the biology and sociology of trauma recovery. This training is designed for people who have some familiarity with NLP and want to feel more free of their own collective or historical traumatic responses; for coaches who notice that their clients are caught in cross-generational trauma. It is also suitable for group leaders and trainers who want to work with collective trauma such as war, colonization, collective religious trauma and economic collapse.
Did you miss the training? Want to study at home? Now you can!
Want to Complete the Whole Package?
This offer is only open to Certified NLP Practitioners. Let us know that you are buying the Video set, complete the study, and then email here to arrange a time to book a one hour online session with Richard Bolstad, where you will experience the process he modelled from Internal Family Systems theory, and the Transcendence process. Total price with the video set included is just NZ$400!
“Transcendence: Healing Our Collective Story” – Video Set 2023 (9 ¼ hours)
What’s on each video?
- Introduction to the course, Resilience – Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva (52 Minutes)
- Havening – Julia Kurusheva (38 Minutes)
- Neurological Levels of Culture – Richard Bolstad (48 Minutes)
- Poverty, Prejudice, Moving in Together – Richard Bolstad (76 Minutes)
- Sociometric Metaphors, Modeling IFS for NLP – Richard Bolstad (88 Minutes)
- Satir Roles, Sociometric Two Step, Polarization – Richard Bolstad (65 Minutes)
- Social System Analysis, Wheel of Change, World Values Survey, Collective Trauma – Richard Bolstad (82 Minutes)
- The Transcendence Process – Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva (71 Minutes)
- Demonstration of Transcendence Process – Richard Bolstad (33 Minutes)
Check out the first of the videos: