Education: Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Why attend the free Tiriti o Waitangi Education day at our Auckland NLP Master Practitioner course, (Thursday 18 January, 2024, open only to NLP Practitioners)?
Treaty Education is NOT education in Māori Culture. In fact the training actually presents a perspective aimed at Pākehā (non-Māori Kiwis) most of all. It looks at how to deliver NLP in a culturally aware and respectful way, and in a way that goes beyond the presuppositions of colonialism, using Māori-Pākehā differences and Treaty history as an example.
1. Professional Associations and community oriented businesses in New Zealand (e.g. NZAC) frequently require you to have completed this kind of study to function safely in a post-colonial & multi-cultural Aotearoa / New Zealand.
2. Many students say this day had one of the most profound effects of all their days of NLP training, because they finally got a chance to learn the story in a way that respected the Presuppositions of NLP (e.g. We are all doing the best we can with the map of the world we have. Every action has at some level a positive intention). i.e. beyond blame frames.
3. The day presents practical future oriented examples of what to do, rather than just theories about the past events.

“As a trainer and coach I’m continuously upskilling, extending my thinking and considering how I can use this knowledge, or these tools or models to help my clients achieve more, with less stress. How can i help make the world a little better for all those I have the privilege to work with…
One of the more recent courses I did was on The Treaty of Waitangi and the process and impact of colonisation… particularly as colonisation relates here in Aotearoa. It is such a powerful, confronting and important topic, and I believe its central to understanding possible ways for our nation to heal and move forward in ways that honour the needs and values of all.
My thoughts from this experience: Its often easier to stick with what we think we know, but is there integrity in that? Until we consider what we dont know, and how others (including us) may see things differently, our thinking on the topic stays stagnant and this leads to continued division. And growth and joy gain no purchase, can have no traction when mired in muddy, stuck, blaming or ill informed thought patterns.
Just as we can’t change the literal past, we often cant directly change the outside world to be the way we want it. In those times its powerful to be able to reset and reconsider what we know and believe so we can make better sense of and feel more ease with that.
This also positions us better to focus on what we can do now and going forward to shape a more positive, empowered future here in Aotearoa. I am truly grateful for this educational, thought provoking program from Dr Richard Bolstad. My next steps are completing my certificate in He Papa Tikanga and working on becoming conversant in Te reo Māori. Its an exciting journey tapping into my heritage and finding my place and way in Te Ao Māori. We are all part of the solution. Together more is possible and thats the future I want for my tamariki.”
– Jaki George-Tunnicliffe, coach, NLP Trainer, 2023
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