Information About NLP Video and Audio Products
Note re Purchasing System and Quality of Audio-Video. All products on this page are downloadable and able to be purchased using Paypal. After purchase, you will download a PDF file which has the hidden internet address/es where you can download all your purchases. In some cases, DVD Rom copies may still be available by contacting us at . Want to buy several downloadable products at once and use a cart? That is here: Downloadable Product Cart Page
Products recorded in live training do not have studio quality sound. Feel free to download this sample from the NLP Practitioner training and listen, so you have a sense what you are buying.
Audiovisual Sets
Japanese/English: Many Faces of NLP ¥7,800 (NZ$100) – NLP の多くの面を

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NLP Coaching Set

NLP Coaching PDF/MP3/MP4 Set. 8 Audio files and 11 Videos.
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This training set is developed for NLP Practitioners who want to work as coaches. It is an advanced training series which presupposes a broad fundamental knowledge of NLP. It is not an appropriate introduction to NLP. The set is not drawn from a single training, but instead draws together four separate trainings relevant to using NLP in a coaching format. The trainings are run by Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva, in New Zealand. The set includes 4 PDF documents, 8 MP3 audio files (each approx 90 minutes), and 11 MP4 video files (each 60-90 minutes). In total, this gives you approximately 20 hours of advanced NLP study. It covers Single Session Change, Marketing NLP, the RESOLVE model and the Wheel of Change.
NLP Practitioner MP4/MP3 Video/Audio Set

NLP Practitioner Training Audio and Video Set. 45 Audios and 46 Videos.
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Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva are certified NLP Trainers with IANLP, and IN, and certified instructors of Traditional Chinese Chi Kung (Qigong) with the Universal Tao. In this set they are filmed teaching the full 18 days of an NLP Practitioner Training in New Zealand. The videos are in MP4 format, reduced in size to play on a computer or on an iPhone or iPad. MP3 audio files will play on any computer, on most phones and most CD players. Contents include:
- Use both body language and choice of words to create the feeling of rapport easily and quickly, creating more cooperation at home and work. Set, and help others to set, more effective, measurable and achievable goals.
- Identify and predict the decision-making and thinking processes that others use, by observing precise body language changes. Make the perfect next move to support each person.
- Use your own body language and words to communicate exactly what you intend, being powerfully persuasive, convincing and inspiring others on both a conscious and unconscious level.
- Use others objections and disagreement as useful information with which to develop solutions that work for both you and them. Work with another person’s way of thinking and understanding the world to help them clarify what they actually want, and reach their own goals successfully.
- Use and teach others to use perfect visual memory (a technique which research at Monkton university shows can increase your memory by 61% in one session).
- Be able to enter a state of high motivation and confidence, or a state of deep relaxation, at will in any situation.
- Easily eliminate stressed feelings, guilt, fears or phobias, procrastination and depression, as well as self limiting beliefs or compulsive behaviours, using researched techniques often taking less than 30 minutes.
- Develop the ability to enjoy choosing the way you think and feel about life, and be in charge of the direction your life takes.
- Enter or guide others into a deeply relaxed (trance) state where healing and learning happen 2-3 times as fast.
- Discover the deep unconscious filters which determine yours and others responses.
- Use effective, permanent personal change processes.
- Pre-study for certification in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, NLP and Time Line Therapy (TM)
NLP Master Practitioner M4V/MP3 Video/Audio Set

Full NLP Master Practitioner Training in 45 Audio and 45 Video files.
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Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva are certified NLP Trainers with IANLP, and IN, and certified instructors of Traditional Chinese Chi Kung (Qigong) with the Universal Tao. In this set they are filmed teaching the full 19 days of an NLP Practitioner Training in New Zealand. The videos are in M4V format, reduced in size to play on a computer or on an iPhone or iPad. MP3 audio files will play on any computer, on most phones and most CD players. Contents include:
- Identify your personal mission and the values that will support your success so all your energy moves in the same direction
- Learn advanced Sleight of Mouth and Quantum language patterns to turn resistance into rapport with a single sentence
- Design and teach a session using the key skills from the NLP Trainers’ Training so you know you can use NLP in public speeches and training
- Instantly identify a person’s metaprograms and values, and design responses to utilise these so that what you say makes sense in their model of the world. Influence others in the most profound way, by aligning with who they are.
- Learn the key NLP processes for use with challenging clients and for creating the “wow” effect. Practise the compulsion blowout, Core Transformation and many more advanced NLP processes
- Integrate all these processes using Richard Bolstad’s Personal Strengths and RESOLVE models, and Julia Kurusheva’s SPRINT model. Know where you are at every moment in your work.
- Learn coaching and counselling skills for use in Private Practise
- Design your own NLP processes, and use NLP to model remarkable success in any area you choose.
- Create cooperative relationships that last and repair the damage from past conflict. Cover the Transforming Communication course focused on your work as an NLP consultant so you can promote yourself to your clients congruently.
- Experience key processes that integrate NLP and spirituality and guide yourself and others to states of awakening and bliss.
- Learn processes to create health, integrating NLP and Traditional Chinese chi kung. Use a step by step model to help clients maintain optimum health and energy.
NLP Trainer Training M4V/MP3 Video/Audio set

NLP Trainer Training set. 36 MP3 Audio files and 36 Video files.
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Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva are certified NLP Trainers with IANLP, and IN, and certified instructors of Traditional Chinese Chi Kung (Qigong) with the Universal Tao. In this set they are filmed teaching the full 19 days of an NLP Trainer Training in New Zealand. The videos are in M4V format, reduced in size to play on a computer or on an iPhone or iPad. MP3 audio files will play on any computer, on most phones and most CD players. Contents include:
- Design and market seminars
- Teach inspirationally
- Create group co-operation
- Resourcefully handle questions and challenges in training
- Apply NLP language patterns, anchoring, trancework, metaphor etc in training
- Model the win-win skills of Transforming Communication
- Design NLP weekends, Practitioner and Master Practitioner trainings to IANLP standards
- Design trainings that “wow” your students and make them hungry for more
- Use advanced anchoring techniques in training to create powerful learning states
- Set up a successful NLP Training business from the beginning of your career
- Design metaphors to pre-teach NLP processes and generate unconscious agreement
- Use the 4-MAT to elegantly structure training that works for students with different learning styles, metaprograms and values
- Set individual tasks for students and do live demonstrations that convince your students they can successfully use the NLP skills you teach them
- Design practical exercises to teach both concrete processes and abstract concepts
- Use trance to install learning at the deepest level, teaching both conscious and unconscious
- Clarify what is and what is not NLP, and develop your own models of NLP
- Teach with utter clarity, introducing new concepts in ways that students grasp instantly
- Utilise even the most challenging questions to teach NLP more fully
- Direct the energy in the training room to inspire and motivate students
Integration: NLP and Spirituality M4V/MP3 Video/Audio set

Integration (NLP and Spirituality) + Tarot Adept + Shamanic Journey. 35 Audio files and 19 Videos.
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Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva are certified NLP Trainers with IANLP, and IN, and certified instructors of Traditional Chinese Chi Kung (Qigong) with the Universal Tao. On this set you get 35 MP3 Audio files and 19 video files to enable you to follow the instructions more fully. The videos are in MP4 format, reduced in size to play on a computer or on an iPhone or iPad. MP3 audio files will play on any computer, on most phones and most CD players. The full 7 days Integration training was recorded in Thailand, New Zealand and Japan! The set also includes the NLP Tarot Adept Training and the training Journey Beyond The Mind. These trainings go deeper into aspects of spirituality and transformation that were not fully covered in the Integration week. Contents include:
- Experience meditation techniques from Asia, and develop and deepen your own sense of connection to the universe in a Secular Spirituality based framework. * Complete Universal Tao chi kung training (The inner smile, the six healing sounds, opening the microcosmic orbit and utilising universal, cosmic, earth and sexual energy). Powerfully increase your health and energy level and extend your life. Create emotional harmony and increase spiritual awareness. Richard and Julia are recognised instructors with the Universal Tao.
- Experience Shamanism and Hawaiian Huna, Julia Kurusheva is trained in ancient Shamanic methods with Serge Kahili King of Aloha International and with Shamans from the Hopi and other nations. Step into the world of ancient wisdom – see, hear, touch, and smell the ancient shamanic traditions of American Indians, Hawaiian Huna, Okinawa, and Peru. Journey to “non-ordinary reality” to connect with spiritual helpers for guidance, advice, healing, and wisdom.
- Complete Zhineng Qigong / Chi Lel chi kung training (Level One: Lift Chi Up and Pour Chi Down). After 4224 research studies at 90 universities, Chi Lel has verified its ability to heal illnesses which do not respond to other treatments. Richard Bolstad is a certified instructor of Chi Lel having trained in China with Master Yoshan Jin and in the USA with Luke Chan.
- Experience The Ascending States Process, The Unanswerable Question Process, and other new NLP processes modelled from the work of teachers such as Siddhartha Gautama, Jiddu Krishnamurti and Ramana Maharshi. Richard and Julia are certified NLP Trainers and developers.
- Use the NLP Tarot deck for games of chance, for divination and as a guide to personal transformation. Use not just the individual meanings of the Tarot cards, but the system that creates those meanings. Understand the secret history of the Tarot and its correlations with the NLP RESOLVE and TOTE models explained more fully in the NLP Tarot card deck (not sold in this set) or using any Tarot deck.
Integration is your invitation to do and be what you came to the planet to do and be.
Shamanic Journeying 2 Video Set

Shamanic Journeying with Julia Kurusheva. 2 Video Set.
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- Step into the world of ancient wisdom – see, hear, touch, and smell the ancient shamanic traditions of American Indians, Hawaiian Huna, Okinawa, and Peru.
- Journey to “non-ordinary reality” to connect with spiritual helpers for guidance, advice, healing, and wisdom.
- Explore and enhance your ability to feel and transform energy as well as your intuitive and spiritual awareness.
- Learn healing and relaxation techniques.
- Rediscover what is really important to you in life.
- You will be guided through core processes from Shamanic traditions.
Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice of expanding consciousness and connecting with the Universe. Shamanic Journey is a dynamic meditation with an intention to receive vision, healing, and guidance. “I loved the Shamanic Day – beautiful and expanding, with insights I will always be grateful for.” – Brenda Ratcliff, Wellington
Create Change In A Single Session A three audio set by NLP Trainer Julia Kurusheva

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This Audio set and 106 page manual come from a 1-day workshop designed for NLP Practitioners at the start of their career as well as more experienced Practitioners. The audios introduce you to the simplified model of RESOLVE used in a single NLP session, and invites you to have practical experience with the way you can facilitate significant changes in someone’s life just in one or two hours. Learn how to:
- run an NLP session with a client using a ‘sprint’ version of RESOLVE
- speak client’s language so that they feel heard and so you are doing less work
- solution focussed questions at each step to navigate towards your client’s outcome
- ways to overcome the most common objections at each step
- what NLP process to choose using Personal Strength Model
- observations when working with an interpreter and overseas
- other observations of what makes it possible to facilitate significant changes fast
Transforming Communication Audio-Video Set: Dr Richard Bolstad

Transforming Communication 11 Video and 11 Audio set
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Richard Bolstad is a certified NLP Trainer with IANLP, and IN, and a certified instructor of Traditional Chinese Chi Kung (Qigong) with the Universal Tao and with Zhineng Qigong (Chi Lel TM). Here he is filmed teaching the 4 days of a Transforming Communication Training in New Zealand. Contents include:
- The aims of Transforming Communication. Clarifying what you want from your relationships
- Getting yourself into the state of mind to use new skills. Creating rapport – the basis of every relationship.
- Clarifying which skills will work and clarifying your values.
- Helping someone else solve their own problems.
- Using the language of the sensory systems. Starting a conversation to get what you want to change.
- Handling Resistance and getting the other person to change
- Creating solutions that work for you and the other person in a conflict.
- Creating a relationship that is free of coercion and mutually satisfying
- Influencing another person’s attitude, values and beliefs while preserving the relationship.
Audio Guided Processes and Video Demonstrations
NLP Guided Visualisation Processes (Audio Files)
Buy the audio recordings of these two NLP visualisation processes, using a Paypal checkout, and download them now. The files are bundled in a zip file and should unload when you double click on the item on a computer or phone. They include audio instructions for use.
1. Deep Relaxation-Powerful Confidence MP3, Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva. A double induction CD by NLP Trainers Julia Kurusheva and Richard Bolstad. Relax and refresh yourself, while your unconscious mind finds ways to build outstanding personal confidence. “As a psychiatric nurse I know how central the ability to relax is to your well being. The feedback from this CD is brilliant; delightful and profound. Most clients and health professionals say its the best relaxation CD they’ve come across.” – John Pearson RCpN Wellington New Zealand.
2. Transforming Sleep MP3, Dr Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva. A total mind-body system for curing insomnia and using your sleep time to transform your life. Side one tells you how to use a sleep diary and a series of NLP techniques to resolve sleep problems. Side two is a guided double induction -a 40 minute relaxation to fall asleep to and to use your sleep to reprogamme your life for success. “Wow! What an excellent tape. Besides having the best sleep I’ve had for a long time, I thought the tape was well co-ordinated and very professional!” – Maurice McLaughlin, Developer, ETSA.

Audio NLP based relaxation processes guided by NLP Trainers Dr Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva
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Chi Kung Guided Visualisation Processes (Audio files)
Buy the audio recordings of these four chi kung visualisation processes, using a Paypal checkout, and download them now. The files are bundled in a zip file and should unload when you double click on the item on a computer or phone. They include audio instructions for use.
1. The Inner Smile MP3, Dr Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva. This is a beginning meditation for balancing the emotions, and transforming negative feelings into the positive energy they were designed to generate.
2. Lift Chi Up And Pour Chi Down MP3, Dr Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva. Lift Chi Up is the main moving exercise of Zhineng Qigong (Chi Lel) taught in our Integration workshop. Track A of this audio also contains the simpler “La Chi” process which can be used by beginners without training.
3. The Creation Cycle MP3, Dr Richard Bolstad. Explains the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Five Elements system, and guides you through a beautiful meditation process to integrate and transform these five elements inside your body
4. The Micro-cosmic Orbit MP3, Dr Richard Bolstad and Julia Kurusheva. This is an advanced meditation taught on the Integration course. It ensures the healthy flow of energy throughout the body, and enhances spiritual awareness.

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“RESOLVE Pain and Perfectionism” AVI Video
Richard demonstrates the use of the RESOLVE model for NLP personal change work in a one hour session with a client suffering from severe pain, and wanting to be more relaxed in pursuit of her goals. Clear examples of core NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis processes in a real life session. Download “RESOLVE Pain & Perfectionism” as an AVI video file using PayPal; just NZ$10!

A single session example of the use of hypnosis and NLP to remove pain and other challenges.