NLP Master Practitioner Course
Dates: January 10-18 plus January 23 – February 1, 2026, Auckland, New Zealand, online (4 optional days in the room at Albany Executive Motor Inn January 10-13)
If you have NLP Practitioner certification with us or another recognised NLP training organisation offering 18 day trainings, contact us to make a booking now! If you did a shorter NLP Practitioner course, we may ask you to complete our NLP Practitioner course at half price first to upgrade your training to meet IANLP/IN standards
What people say about the NLP Master Practitioner Course:
“A life changing experience that I wish I had done 20 years ago. This will not just help you, but yourself and your friends. Richard is a minefield of information, with lots of knowledge, and an excellent teacher. Calm and understanding, he delivers his classes with perfection. Julia is an amazing teacher and a very caring person.” – Liz Kerr, Yoga and Pilates Instructor
“The Practitioner Course was the cake you could make and eat. The Master Practitioner course is the Cake Factory!” – Jason Hopkinson, Teacher, Christchurch, New Zealand.
“The Practitioner course got me excited and this one has touched me to the core and initiated profound changes.” – Medical Doctor Janine Bailey, Nelson, New Zealand
“This was no ordinary course. It exceeded all my expectations and enriched my skill base and understanding well beyond international requirements.” – Te Ruru, counsellor, Christchurch, New Zealand.
“Having attended advanced NLP training in Japan Europe and North America by many of the leaders in the field, I find Richard Bolstad’s training skills to be amongst the best in the world. A chance to attend his trainings is to be seized by all means.” – Professor Tim Murphy, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan.

Meeting the training standards of the International Association of NLP and the International Association of NLP Institutes.
You will learn how to…
- Identify your personal mission and the values that will support your success so all your energy moves in the same direction
- Learn advanced Sleight of Mouth and Quantum language patterns to turn resistance into rapport with a single sentence
- Design and teach a session using the key skills from the NLP Trainers’ Training so you know you can use NLP in public speeches and training
- Instantly identify a person’s metaprograms and values, and design responses to utilise these so that what you say makes sense in their model of the world. Influence others in the most profound way, by aligning with who they are.
- Learn the key NLP processes for use with challenging clients and for creating the “wow” effect. Practise the compulsion blowout, Core Transformation and many more advanced NLP processes
- Integrate all these processes using Richard Bolstad’s Personal Strengths and RESOLVE models, and Julia Kurusheva’s SPRINT model. Know where you are at every moment in your work.
- Learn coaching and counselling skills for use in Private Practise
- Design your own NLP processes, and use NLP to model remarkable success in any area you choose.
- Create cooperative relationships that last and repair the damage from past conflict. Cover the Transforming Communication course focused on your work as an NLP consultant so you can promote yourself to your clients congruently.
- Experience key processes that integrate NLP and spirituality and guide yourself and others to states of awakening and bliss.
- Learn processes to create health, integrating NLP and Traditional Chinese chi kung. Use a step by step model to help clients maintain optimum health and energy.
Meeting IANLP and IN Requirements
To meet IANLP requirements you must have 130 hours of in class training. On our training this includes 7 hours of trainer directed teaching and practice each day for 19 days . There is a written test, and a case study based on practical work, and a modelling project, also required as tests of your integration of the skills. Altogether the case study, modelling project and focused study for the written tests will require ten hours of self-directed learning outside of class hours. You will complete at least 5 coaching sessions with the same client during the training, to give you experience with the ongoing coaching relationship. Five hours of group and individual supervision will be incorporated into the training as sessions following each experience of work with your students as clients. The detailed IANLP requirements are listed here. The detailed IN requirements are listed here.
Three short courses are available to ALL NLP Practitioners at the time of the NLP Master Practitioner training:
Treaty of Waitangi Education Day: 22 January, 2025, 10.00am-6.00pm. Free, Optional for people on Master Practitioner (or who have previously done Master Practitioner or Practitioner)
Transforming Communication For NLP Consultants: Friday 23 January to Sunday 25 January 2025, 10.00am-6.00pm. $600 GST Inclusive, paid to Transformations (Free As Part of Master Practitioner Training, open as a paid 3 day course to all NLP Practitioners)
Create Significant Change In A Single Session With NLP: with Julia Kurusheva: Saturday 31 January 2025, 10.00am-6.00pm. $300

Dates, Venue, and Secure Payment
In 2026, the first 4 days of our Master Practitioner course will be available either in the room or on line. If you are in New Zealand we strongly recommend attending in the room. The remaining 15 days will be online only. Your certificate will state how many days were done in each format.
Albany Executive Motor Inn, January 10-13 plus Online January 14-18 plus January 23 – February 1, 2026, 10.00am-6.00pm
The New Zealand cost is NZ$4200, reduced to $3800 if paid by 20 December 2024. Deposit of $420 fully refundable until the early payment date.
Securely book your chosen training now!