Organise Advanced NLP Training with Richard

Tested Quality, Depth That Will Amaze You, Training That Will Inspire You
Have you ever wondered about organizing an advanced NLP training for your coaching or NLP students? Most trainers advertise the price of their public trainings but keep secret the arrangements for an organization wanting to set up training with them. In the interests of openness, I’m going to tell you the deal. First, read what other organizers say about organizing training with Richard Bolstad:
- “Someone I’ve enjoyed learning from over a number of years is Richard Bolstad, one of the most thorough and competent therapists & trainers in NLP. He is one of the very few who is constantly developing new distinctions in understanding and practice, as well as congruently living what he teaches. His extensive background as a trained nurse, student of Asian martial arts, and his cross-cultural experience with Anglo/Maori relations in New Zealand, and Anglo/Japanese relations from his teaching in Japan, provide a rich and wise background for his work. Besides being personable, engaging, and high energy, he is very skilled, with a rare breadth and depth of knowledge that is detailed and ecological. He is very open to and welcoming of feedback, which I think is one reason why he is so capable. The book RESOLVE: A New Model of Therapy is an excellent introduction to his work.” – Steve Andreas, NLP trainer, author, and developer, and organizer of my training in Boulder Colorado.
- “Having worked in the training and communications field for more than 20 years I have experienced a great number of trainers and speakers, but very few great speakers and trainers. Richard Bolstad is one of those great presenters. His absolute credibility is the result of a depth and breadth of knowledge gained internationally and nationally. Richard has an outstanding reputation in his specialist field of communication and NLP. Richard’s workshops are practical, immediately applicable and fun to experience for the participants in the workshops. The skills taught will bring benefit to both work and personal lives. If there is one speaker you and your people get to this year make sure it’s Richard.” Phillippa Elliot, Past President of the New Zealand Association for Training and Development, and organizer of my trainings with the New Zealand Retailers Association.
- “Richard’s workshops are very popular and therefore quick to fill. His workshops are consistently evaluated extremely positively.” – Annemarie de Castro, Director, Human Resources, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, and organizer of my many trainings with Teaching, Management and Office staff at Victoria University
- Richard won the NLP International Award from the ANLP in 2017, the first year it was offered. The ANLP judges commented “Richard’s nomination stood out to us as we could really see the difference he has made being an international NLP trainer in many parts of the world. He delivers with integrity and precision and has offered some invaluable help to people traumatised in the aftermath of earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan. He has also provided help in the aftermath of war in Eastern European countries. He has been described as “modest and very personable” and reading about the difference his NLP work has made, especially in response to a crisis, is pretty amazing.” From the judges at the ANLP, who organize my sessions at the International NLP Conference each year.
What Advanced NLP Trainings Can We Do?
I have a pretty amazing suite of advanced trainings for coaches and NLP Practitioners. Here, I’m not talking about introductory in-house NLP trainings: that’s here on other pages. I’m also not talking about core NLP Trainings, either. Contact me here if you want to arrange certification trainings at Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainer level with IN and IANLP. Here I’m talking about two day intensive trainings focused on a specific set of skills and experiences from my extensive background. Once your students realize the value they are getting there are many many more such trainings, as well as a 9 day Trainer Training to help them run some of these courses themselves.

Here’s a list of 31 Two day trainings already designed and tested across the world. Each title has a linked page with more detail about each course: the kind of detail you’ll want to advertise them as soon as possible.
Courses where no previous NLP experience is needed to get all the benefits:
- Keys to Success: Core NLP skills
- The Rapport Based Organization / For A Cooperative World
- RESOLVE: A Neuroscience Based Model of Coaching
Courses where previous NLP experience will help your students get the most out of the course:
- Transcendence: Healing Our Collective Story [Single Day OR Two Day Version]
- Resilience and Trauma Recovery
- Integration: NLP and Spirituality
- Integration: level Two
- Crisis and The Wheel of Change
- Feel Confident Helping Clients Heal Pain and Brain Injury
- Creating and Sustaining Couples Relationships
- Using NLP with Children
- NLP in Sport: Modelling New Zealand Triathlete Steve Gurney
- The Journey: Life’s Greatest Metaphor
- The NLP Activist: Creating a World Worth Living In
- Get Published and Speak Up
- Become An NLP Researcher
- Marketing Your NLP Coaching Business
- Deepening Reflective Listening
- Rerouting: Redirecting your Career in Challenging Times [Single Day]
- The AI Coach
Courses where at least 2 days previous NLP experience is essential to make sense of the course:
- Free From Addiction
- NLP and the Brain
- Cognitive Clarity: Using NLP to Create Sanity
- RESOLVE: A New Model for NLP Coaching & Psychotherapy
- Time Line Therapy™ Practitioner
- Time Line Therapy™ Master Practitioner
- NLP and Radiant Health
- Satir and Perls: the Forgotten Grandparents of NLP
- Modelling Steve Andreas
- An NLP Model of Sales Training
- The NLP Tarot Adept Training
- The Many Faces of NLP
- Creation Cycle [Single Day OR Two Day Version]
In the Room only (Not available as online training). Courses where at least 2 days previous NLP experience is essential to make sense of the course, and which are held in the room:
What’s the Deal?
Let’s be practical. If you haven’t ever organized a training before, trust me: this is more work than you think. If you already have students who would appreciate advanced training by someone from across the world, then this is going to be easy. I train both online and in the room. I’m based in New Zealand most of the year, so if you want in-the-room experience, then it pays to organize at a time when I’m at my second home in Cyprus (September-October for example). Return travel across Europe and North Africa is just €500 from there. As an organizer you’d plan for that plus my accommodation from the day before the training until the day after, and the cost of the training. My usual daily charge in New Zealand is just NZ$3000 (less than €1750), and yes a commitment to a longer training can mean you pay €500 less than that! If you are bringing in people who don’t speak English, you need to factor in a translator, and arrange translating the manual and slides. These are pre-inflation prices for training, and you can expect them to change year by year. No, prices don’t go down when the training is on line: training online may mean I’m training through my night and then recovering the time zones after, so, along with the extra logistical planning, it’s definitely not “easier” for me. It can be easy for your students though, because they can study the Zoom video afterwards, and they relax in their own home. Either way, my aim is that you, as an organizer, can plan to earn at least as much as I do.
Prepayment of NZ$500 for my course expenses
A large part of the work and time dedicated to a successful training happens before the time of the training: that is true both for organizers and for trainers. When I arrange to do a training for you, I commit myself to produce or update and customize a course design, create a specific manual and Powerpoint slides ready for use or translation, create a video advert (either by interview with you or separately), and create an approximately 300-word advertising description of the benefits of the course for your students. I also put aside the time for the course and for travel to the venue if it is in the room, and agree to refuse other offers of training set at that time. Realistically, I need to book flights for in-the-room training, at least 3 months before the training, both because flight costs increase nearer the time, and because I need to make sure I can get to other arranged trainings before and after yours. That means that cancellation of a training costs me several days of preparation and loses me other opportunities for training at what was probably a desirable time, as well as costing me for flight changes. In recognition of this, once I send you the slides, video, written advert and manual for a training, I ask that you send me NZ$500 as a down-payment of my course trainer fee. If the training is cancelled by you after this point, I retain that money. If I need to cancel the training after this time, I will refund it. In the event of a course running at a future date and requiring no extra preparation, I will then deduct the $500 from your fee. $500 doesn’t fully cover my costs, but it makes it clear that we are both committed to do our best to make the training work.